Randy Pennington Speaker Biography
Nationally Recognized Business Performance Veteran, Author and Expert in Helping Organizations Build a Culture Focused on Results
Randy Pennington helps leaders make the changes and build cultures they need to achieve the results they want.
Randy has worked with many of this country’s best-managed organizations including Alabama Power Company, Sprint, Transamerica Life & Protection, and St. Luke’s Hospital as well as numerous associations and government agencies. Additionally, Randy serves as an adjunct instructor in the Cox Business Leadership Center at Southern Methodist University.
Popular Business Author
Randy is author or three books: Make Change Work, named the 2013 best general business book by USA Book News; Results Rule!®, named the 2007 best general business book by USA Book News; and On My Honor, I Will which Ross Perot described as having “cracked the code of great leadership.”
Media and Publications
Pennington’s expertise has made him an internationally respected guest commentator with appearances on CNN, PBS, Fox News, the ABC Radio Network, and the BBC. His ideas have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Entrepreneur, Executive Excellence, Training & Development, in numerous newspapers, and many professional/trade association journals.
Randy’s background is a unique blend of line, staff, and consulting experience ranging from hourly employee to senior management. He holds a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Psychology and has completed Postgraduate work in Organization Administration and Management.
Membership and Philanthropy
A dedicated volunteer leader, Randy is past Chairman of the Board for both the American Heart Association, Texas Affiliate and the National Speakers Association Foundation Board of Trustees. Randy was also a founding member of the Texas Council for Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke.
He was inducted into the National Speakers Association Speaker Hall of Fame in 2009.
Randy Pennington Speaking Topics
Make Change Work: Staying Nimble, Relevant, and Engaged in a World of Constant Change
A fundamental shift is occuring in how business is conducted. Change no longer influences the environment — it is the environment. That’s why this session is so important – it provides practical tools to help leaders and organizations meet the challenges of continuous change in these transformational times. New challenges are presented to us every day. We can survive and flourish by learning to stay nimble, relevant, and engaged in a constantly changing world. Participants in this entertaining, fast-paced session receive practical information based on Randy Pennington’s 20 years of experience helping organizations initiate and manage change.
RESULTS RULE! Be a Hero in a “Me Too” World
Your organization is either a hero, has-been, or wanna-be. That’s where creating a Results Rule! culture will turn your uniqueness into a competitive asset that clears the playing field. Results Rule! is all about getting focused on producing results year ... after year ... after year and breaking out of the “me too” club. The marketplace never lies – Results Rule! Randy Pennington is a 20+ year business performance veteran and an expert in helping companies build a culture focused on results. His insights align the strategic issues of relationships, accountability, and results to create a sustainable competitive advantage in a “me too” world! The keynote will establish a clear distinction between you and… the other guy; build and grow a culture focused on producing results; and create the catalyst for enhancing customer value and increased effectiveness in everything you do. A compelling culture is the competitive asset that sets you apart. Here’s an opportunity to stop standing in the way of your own success.
Dodos & Coyotes: Only the Nimble Survive
The story of two animals reveals what it will take for you to remain relevant and successful in the future. The dodo bird went from living a comfortable life in a wonderful environment to extinction in less than 100 years. In contrast, the coyote has expanded its territory and flourished as its way of life was threatened and altered. So which are you? A dodo or a coyote? This session provides you with the strategies and mindset you will need to thrive in the face of constant change and uncertainty. In this unique and memorable session, you will learn: Where you are right now – if you are a dodo or a coyote; the seven characteristics that doomed the dodo and make the coyote the model for nimbleness and adaptability; and the three steps you must take immediately to avoid becoming a dodo and thrive like the coyote in the future.
Leading, Motivating & Engaging Volunteers
Engaged members are critical to a non-profit or association’s success. Without them an organization will experience a path, diminishing resources, lack of focus, and eventual decline. These sessions are designed for volunteer leaders who want practical ideas for managing, motivating, and moving their organization forward. It is especially suited for: Board of Directors and committee leader orientation or planning retreats; Developing new and emerging leaders within the association; and Chapter leadership development for state and national associations.
Accountability: How to Show It, Promote It and Make it Part of Your Culture
What is preventing your organization from achieving the results you want? Time? Talent? Resources? If that’s the case, perhaps this program is not for you. However, if you have ever heard anyone in your organization say, “No one wants to take responsibility for anything,” this session is for you. The difference between excellence and mediocrity in business comes down to one simple intangible – personal and organizational accountability to deliver results that matter. Randy Pennington brings more than 20 years of hands-on experience consulting with and educating companies and leaders how to be more accountable and build a culture of accountability.
Randy Pennington Books

On My Honor, I Will: The Journey to Integrity-Driven® Leadership
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Results Rule!: Build a Culture That Blows the Competition Away
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On My Honor, I Will: Leading with Integrity in Challenging Times
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On My Honor, I Will: The Journey to Integrity-Driven� Leadership
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Randy Pennington Speaker Testimonials
"Your Results Rule! message and focus on creating a culture that helps us stand out in the marketplace was the perfect way to close the meeting.You have again delivered a product that is focused on today's business needs. You developed realistic strategies for dealing with those issues as you create a culture that any organization would be proud to call thier own!"
- | Director Business Process Outsourcing/EDS
"Your presentation was instrumental in communicating the Leadership message to our young group. I am most appreciative of the suggestions you provided while planning this meeting. I beleive that your ability to incorporate our company philosophy and mentor stories into your presentation really made the difference."
- | Area Director/Bristol Hotel and Resorts
"Should any other meeting planners need an honest opinion of your excellent work, don't hestiate to give them my number. You are honestly the best at what you do."
- | Convention Director/ National Assn. of Insurance Women
"You provided information that can be implemented immediately. The session feedback shows everyone was impressed with the relevance of your ideas and style in which they were presented. It was obvious you took the time to learn about the issues facing our industry."
- | VP, Conventions & Meetings/National Asphalt Assn.