Robert Kiyosaki Speaker Biography
Best-Selling Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Investment Expert, and Entrepreneur
Best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad—the #1 personal finance book of all time—Robert Kiyosaki has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money. He is an entrepreneur, educator, and investor who believes the world needs more entrepreneurs who will create jobs.
Financial Education
With perspectives on money and investing that often contradict conventional wisdom, Robert has earned an international reputation for straight talk, irreverence, and courage and has become a passionate and outspoken advocate for financial education.
Robert and Kim Kiyosaki, both authors, are founders of The Rich Dad Company, a financial education company, and creators of the CASHFLOW games.
Robert has been heralded as a visionary who has a gift for simplifying complex concepts—ideas related to money, investing, finance, and economics—and has shared his personal journey to financial freedom in ways that resonate with audiences of all ages and backgrounds. His core principles and messages—like “Your house is not an asset” and “Invest for cash flow” and ”savers are losers”—have ignited a firestorm of criticism and ridicule… only to have played out on the world economic stage over the past decade in ways that were both unsettling and prophetic.
Rich Dad Philosophy
His point of view is that ‘old’ advice—go to college, get a good job, save money, get out of debt, invest for the long term, and diversify—has become obsolete advice in today’s fast-paced Information Age. His Rich Dad philosophies and messages challenge the status quo and his teachings encourage people to take initiative to become financially educated and play an active role in investing for the future.
Robert has been a featured guest with media outlets in every corner of the world—from FOX News, CNN, the BBC, Real Vision, Yahoo! Finance, Al Jazeera, GBTV and PBS to Larry King Live, Oprah, Peoples Daily, Sydney Morning Herald, The Doctors, The Straits Times, Bloomberg, NPR, USA TODAY, and hundreds of others—and his books have topped international bestsellers lists for more than two decade. He continues to teach and inspire audiences around the world.
Robert is the author of 29 books, his recent books—Who Stole My Pension? (co-authored with former SEC attorney and pension-fraud whistleblower Edward Siedle) and FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets—are sobering reminders of the importance and power of real financial education. In 2021 the countdown to the 25th Anniversary of the 1997 release of Rich Dad Poor Dad will begin. That book and its messages, viewed around the world as a classic in the personal finance arena, have stood the test of time and continue to resonate with audiences of all ages around the world. Robert’s latest book is Capitalist Manifesto.
Donald Trump
Robert has also co-authored two books with Donald Trump, prior to his successful bid for the White House and election as President of the United States.
Rich Dad Radio Show
The Rich Dad Radio Show is a podcast series hosted by Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, that offers advice on personal finance, investing, and business. In every episode, Robert and his expert guests discuss the latest economic trends and actionable insights for achieving financial freedom through investing, business ownership, or understanding the global economy.
Robert Kiyosaki Speaking Topics
Second Chance: for Your Money, Your Life and Our World
Few would argue with the fact that, on many fronts, we are a world in crisis. And there are two sides to every crisis, be it a leadership crisis, an economic crisis, an education crisis or a moral crisis. The two side to crisis are danger and opportunity. Robert Kiyosaki’s book, Second Chance…for Your Money and Your Life, uses the lessons from the past and a brutal assessment of the present to prepare readers to see—–and seize–—the future. If readers can train their minds to see what their eyes cannot, in a world that is becoming increasingly more ‘invisible’ and moving at a high rate of speed, they can have a second chance at creating the life they’ve always wanted.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Modeled after his award-winning book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Kiyosaki delivers a keynote speech that will help reshape the way you think about what you do with your money. You will be able to evaluate your own thoughts and habits surrounding money, and determine what you will need to do differently to accumulate wealth. Kiyosaki helps audiences understand that rich people are rich because they buy assets that produce income. Poor people are poor because they accumulate liabilities and expenses. In order to become wealthy, you must spend money to accumulate income producing assets such as real estate, businesses, stocks and bonds.
Why We Want You To Be Rich
Master Your Money
Robert Kiyosaki Books

Capitalist Manifesto
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Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
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