Jimmy Cabrera

Speaker, Educator and Author on Motivation, Change, Diversity, and Leadership

Jimmy Cabrera Fee Range
$10,001 to $20,000
(Inquire for virtual fee)

Travels From
Texas, United States

Jimmy Cabrera Speaker Biography

Speaker, Educator and Author on Motivation, Change, Diversity, and Leadership

Jimmy Cabrera is a dynamic and energetic speaker, riveting his audience’s attention through the very last sentence. Every presentation he gives is Jimmy’s unique blend of motivation and education. His listeners receive practical techniques that can be used immediately. He has earned the National Speakers Association Certified Speaking Profession “CSP” designation. At present there are approximately 4,200 members within this association, and less than 8% have earned this prestigious certification.


Jimmy has been ranked by the research firm, Market Data Enterprizes of Flordia as one of the top three Motivational Speakers in the Nation.

Keynote Speaker

Jimmy Cabrera has been a professional speaker and consultant for over 24 years, speaking in both the Corporate and Educational Communities. He has the ability to speak to both the adult and youth groups. As a leader, his philosophy is, “Don’t count what you have, but what you have given—that total equals your success.” He sees and seeks to fulfill the need for communication, education, and a positive influence in the lives of all individuals.


In the last 24 years over 1.5 million people – one million of whom were youths – have experienced Jimmy’s high energy presentations. His passion is to help make a difference in the lives of all those who attend his presentations. He sees, and seeks to fulfill, the need for communication, education, and positive influence in our rapidly diversifying and culturally interdependent society. His commitment to his clients is to study their needs and customize the presentation to fit and meet the objective. We are challenged to create an environment where all our people can utilize positive encouraging ideas that will enable them to progress and become successful. Jimmy Cabrera wants to help create this awareness and process at your next conference or meeting for all to benefit.


Jimmy learned some tough lessons early in his life. As a Hispanic he was reared in a predominately segregated community in north Texas. Except for his parents, he always had the feeling that no one cared. The system certainly didn’t challenge Jimmy to be expressive nor think about setting goals. He experienced, instead, bitter rejection and prejudice from a society that labeled him “different.” Eventually he realized that though you cannot forget the past and the pain…you can forgive, learn from it, and move on. In overcoming damaged emotions and rejection, he learned how to turn all the negatives into POSITIVE learning experiences.  Not allowing challenges to become crutches…but stepping stones to ensure success.  To always remember that Attitude is Everything; “Yes You Can! – ¡Sí Se Puede!”


Jimmy’s book, What’s In Your Backpack?  Packing for Success in Life, is a book that outlines eight powerful success tools anyone can apply to their life…regardless of each person’s personal definition of “success.”  The book is completely upbeat…helping the reader realize that with the proper frame of mine and a priority of order…Success in any endeavor is most definitely within reach.  Note: His book is also in Spanish, “¿Qué Llevas En Tu Mochila?  Empácala Para Tener Una Vida De Éxito.”

Jimmy Cabrera Speaking Topics

Mastering Change: The Process And Profit In Mastering CHANGE In Your Life and Career

Fact - Most individuals find it difficult to deal with change. Why? I have received many responses: "The fear of failure," "The fear of the unknown," "Many individuals are set in their ways," "Routine," "Familiarity," and the list goes on. Remember, one of the major reasons that many resist or feat CHANGE in the workplace is that most individuals cannot deal with change in their own lives. This workshop is designed to give individuals a step-by-step approach to "Master Change." Once an individual masters change in their own lives, they deal with and develop the ability to master any change in the workplace. In today's turbulent and fast society, individuals find themselves wrestling with constant, ongoing changes. As a business, or as an individual, we must learn to deal with and create ways to profit from all our experiences. In all that we face, let us choose to take positive action to deal with the emotions that will surface. This will enable all of us to remain teachable, and will ensure SUCCESS. In this presentation, the participants will learn, and leave with, a plan of action that will include the six steps that will affect positive transitional change in their lives, careers, and companies.

Motivation: Find Your Niche or Stay in a Ditch

It can be a conscious or unconscious decision to fall into, or even worse, create a ditch in your life or career. It is sad, but true, that a majority of individuals are trapped in a DITCH. Ditch...? No way, you think, but that ditch, in many cases, is better known as a "rut" which has been painfully followed out slowly over the years by stagnation, confusion, insecurity, depression, and worse—denial. Peering at the world from their mental burrows, these individuals may see no light at the end of the tunnel. Remember, just as a meteorologist can identify the warning signs of a storm, we too can become informed and aware, therefore, recognizing the warning signs of a DITCH. Once we recognize that we may be headed into a rut (ditch), instead of dwelling in a pit of our own fear, we can discover the positive values and characteristics of our true NICHE. Yes, we can develop a maintenance program to ensure that we stay out of a future ditch in our life or career. In this presentation, the participants will learn to appreciate self development by learning how to LAUGH at themselves, fall in LOVE with themselves, and become successful BECAUSE of themselves.

Preparing For The Future: Individuals Must Have Hope That There Is A Future, And Become Responsible, Accountable Owners Of That Future

As individuals, we choose to build our lives on negatives or positives. We no longer have the luxury of waiting until something happens. Yes, we all have a "back pack," and throughout our lives we fill it with values that will shape our future. We must make choices and understand that whatever choice we do make, we draw from our "back pack," the values that will carry us to a level of success. Remembering that whatever choices we do make, there will be consequences. As parents, educators, and employers, we are continuously fighting a dropout epidemic in our homes, schools, and workplaces. The good news is that we can cut the percentage of those who are thinking of dropping out and help make a difference in their lives. In this positive and high energy program the participants will learn steps to fill their back pack with positives, and not negatives. It will encourage individuals to commit, and will create the desire to master change; therefore, becoming self-motivated and self-managed.

Our Gift Through Diversity: Maximizing and Embracing Our Commonalities

"If I had known then what I know now," maybe I would have responded better. We do not want you to have any regrets or guilt. Let us remain teachable, for diversity must be brought to the attention of everyone within the company to ensure that the company will continue to survive and succeed. Yes, our demographics are changing at a very rapid pace; customers, as well as our employees, are seeking individuals that understand them better. The introduction of diversity to an organization should be introduced as a three phase process: 1. The AWARENESS phase... 2. The PROCESS phase... 3. The IMPLEMENTATION phase... These phases can be introduced in a very positive format to enable all participants to discover what they are doing right and seek better ways of doing those things. We need to develop a diversity maintenance type program which will encourage all members of the TEAM to maximize all of our values, experiences, and commonalities. In this presentation the participants will learn to appreciate the value of Diversity training. You will experience a high energy workshop which includes activities to ensure retention and a desire to make a difference in their lives as well as in their company, community and family.

The Basics For The Pros: Mastering The Disciplines of Persuasion, Sales, and Negotiation

You may be familiar with the phrase, "Knowledge is Power." There is much value in this statement, but we will take the meaning to the next level. You will learn that "Applied Knowledge is Power." Please remember that selling is not an art: it is a discipline. Mastering the basics of Persuasion and Negotiation can be accomplished by mastering certain disciplines and techniques. MYTH: Powerful Negotiations and Persuaders are born... REALITY: Top Powerful Negotiators and Persuaders are DISCIPLINED... In these programs, participants will learn to focus on the disciplines required to meet the current needs of their client base. You will be given proven "How To" techniques that will become basic "Tools" for your professional trade. The techniques that you will be taught will enrich your Persuasion and Negotiation possibilities. There is so much to learn, but in these workshops we will have fun in the process. One of our goals is to help individuals build their confidence and enhance their presentation skills. Hundreds of individuals have benefited from these high energy workshops. It is the DISCIPLINE that allows us to master the basics and experience success.

Straight Talk About Customer Loyalty: Customers Want to Come Back... Let Them

It is a fact: Money spent teaching all our people how to treat all our customers will out perform all other investments we make for our companies. As more and more companies are realizing, it takes quality personnel to create and support a quality customer service environment. We must answer our personnel's desires to perform by providing them with the tools they need to do the right thing every time. Never forgetting that good customer service starts at the TOP and so does bad customer service. We cannot assume that everybody understands what is expected of them. This can be accomplished by helping all personnel to become more self-managed and accountable. This will ensure commitment, loyalty, and a sense of empowerment throughout the company. This session will focus on effective ways to foster positive company cultures that will demand nothing but the best from everyone. Participants will learn how to build customer relationships that will allow the customer to return with a "Smile."

Jimmy Cabrera Books

What’s In Your Backpack? Packing for Success in Life
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Jimmy Cabrera Videos

Jimmy Cabrera Speaker Testimonials

The majority of comments my office has received were unsolicited where the attendees were praising your presentation. Your superb performance precisely fulfilled our needs and met our objectives.

- Arthur Oden | Kroger Food Stores

Refreshing blend of diversity awareness training and motivation to succeed. You can see by the evaluations summary, the participants shouted that they loved your presentation. We will invite you back.

- | St. Luke's Hospital

Right on… Bring him back…We keep hearing nothing-great comments about your content and style of delivery. Some have already called me and requested information on how to get a hold of you for their group.

- Ray Kerlagon | Southwestern Bell

The continuing popularity of your workshop testifies to its value. Your presentation was excellently presented, timely, and entertaining. You are truly blessed with a great talent.

- | American Payroll Association

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What’s In Your Backpack? Packing for Success in Life
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