Jeff Tobe

Innovation and Creativity Guru, Customer Experience Expert, and Employee Engagement Engineer

Jeff Tobe Fee Range
$10,001 to $20,000
(Inquire for virtual fee)

Travels From
Pennsylvania, United States

Jeff Tobe Speaker Biography

Innovation and Creativity Guru, Customer Experience Expert,
and Employee Engagement Engineer

Certified Speaking Professional Jeff Tobe, M.Ed., was chosen by readers of Convention & Meetings Magazine as one of the top 15 speakers in North America. He prides himself on presenting up-to-the-minute, cutting-edge material as it relates to designing the ideal customer EXPERIENCE by getting your people more ENGAGED at what they do every day.


He is one of the most dynamic speakers in the world, as attested to by clients including PNC Bank, Microsoft, RE/MAX International, Erickson Living, The Dubai Water Authority and Pepsi Cola International.


Jeff is the author of the wildly popular book Coloring Outside The Lines and ANTICIPATE: Knowing What Customers Need Before They Do! by John Wiley Publishing.

Customer Experience

Over 20 years as a speaker, trainer, and business consultant has given Jeff the experience to apply best practices from leading companies to improve the customer experience across a wide range of industries. Whether you’re an accountant, an HR professional, a retailer, or a doctor, you share one marketing imperative: If you truly want to focus on your customer, you must see your business as your customer sees it. Jeff helps employees and employers put on their “customer glasses” to create meaningful change.

Jeff Tobe Speaking Topics

cOLOriNg OuTSidE ThE LiNEs…Creating a New Customer Experiences

This high-energy, participatory, humorous session has received outstanding reviews from diverse business professionals around the world, including, Pepsi Cola, Allstate Insurance, Chase Bank and many others. Certified Speaking Professional, Jeff Tobe, challenges you to step outside your comfort zone in positioning yourself more creatively than ever before. He provides the insight you require to give yourself the ‘competitive edge‘ for which we all strive by preparing an organization for ‘THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE’. To be effective in today’s marketplace, one must step beyond customer SERVICE and begin to consider the EXPERIENCE our customer/client/patient has with our organization. The first step is to shatter the stereotype of the experience they expect to have. Next, we have to systematically create, be aware of and execute the perfect EXPERIENCE each and every time. It doesn’t matter whether or not you are retail-focused, b to b focused or b to consumer… we ALL have to take our businesses to the next level by examining “their” perspective of what we do. Staging experiences has often been confused with entertaining customers. It’s NOT about entertainment as much as it is about ENGAGEMENT! Tobe shows audiences that by making the leap from ‘service’ to ‘experience’, we start to get everyone—at every level of the organization—engaged at what they do. Participants learn the steps required to ensure that their whole team is involved in engaging THEIR customer. They also learn how to implement the experience for the “internal customer” as well. Most of all, Jeff’s presentation is fun and content-rich with tools to use the minute participants leave the workshop.

Let’s Get Engaged!

In this brand new keynote or 1/2 day workshop, Certified Speaking Professional Jeff Tobe DOES NOT ask your audience to marry him! What he does is discuss commitment and how to get your people engaged at work every day. In his usual high-energy, high-humor and high-content style, Jeff walks audiences through the “Four Pillars of Engagement.” By the end of this session, participants will understand the power of engagement and motivation! • Curiosity: Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it’s the one resource that the most successful organizations have discovered that they need to foster in their people. Curiosity leads to innovation and, as you already know, this is a passion of Jeff’s! To get people invested in our organization, we must encourage them to be more curious in looking for alternative solutions, being incredible problem solvers and in asking the right kinds of questions of their internal and external customers • Commitment: This is not just commitment to the organization, its values and its vision, but it is a commitment to the internal and external customer experience. By making the leap from customer service to customer experience, an organization watches their people become more engaged, their customers become more loyal and their bottom line grow • Accountability: Crises like the global financial meltdown are only a symptom of a much more damaging disease: the increasing unwillingness of business leaders and the institutions they represent to be accountable for their actions. At every level of the organization, people have to do more than WANT to be accountable—they have to act “as if.” • Communication: Engagement starts and ends with open communication. A recent New York Times survey found that 78% of workers polled in diverse industries mentioned poor communication at the root of challenges with their managers, colleagues and with customers. What an amazing opportunity! Jeff shares techniques to make your people more aware of their communication and to give them the tools to better themselves. Join an elite 22% nationwide who DO get it!

Listening Between The Lines: Effective Communication Skills

One of the common threads among successful professionals is their ability to LISTEN! Effective listening is the most powerful communication techniques and yet, is probably the best kept secret of the top professionals in the country. Asking the right questions of our internal/external clients is a key to effective communication, but Jeff Tobe, co-author of the book, THE COMMUNICATION COACH, suggests that just asking questions is not enough! Tobe claims, “We have to immediately establish our role as the seeker of information and the buyer as a giver in order to create a ”relationship”. Research shows that most of us often think ahead of our clients to figure out what we will say next, rather than thinking along with them and responding just as much to what isn’t said as to what is said. We have never had formal ‘listening training’ in our school systems and rarely in our work environments, yet we know the value of elective and responsive listening when it comes to the sales, customer service, conflict resolution, and management. Tobe proves that with proper instruction and practice, anyone can learn to listen just like learning to read. “Information is power in the communication process”. Effective listeners are able to concentrate and find the most valid information in whatever they hear. Effective listeners are effective people and good listening habits save time and money. LISTENING BETWEEN THE LINES will give attendees nine techniques to more effective listening and communicating. What this means is that, with practice, participants gain that one ‘competitive edge’ that will set them apart from everyone else.

Jeff Tobe Books

Anticipate: Knowing What Customers Need Before They Do
Purchase Book
Coloring Outside the Lines™: Business Thoughts on Creativity, Marketing and Sales
Purchase Book
Coloring Outside the Lines�: Business Thoughts on Creativity, Marketing and Sales
Purchase Book

Jeff Tobe Videos

Jeff Tobe Speaker Testimonials

“No matter which program he is presenting, Jeff Tobe is energetic, humorous and insightful all at the same time. To keep our diverse group of technical services people engaged for 2 hours is a feat unto its own!”

- Veolia Environmental Services | Michael Loeffel

“… I use much of the information you offered and I can proudly say that it has paid off — my sales increased 60% over a 30 day period…”

- State Sign Corp. | Beth Cross

“There he was, Jeff Tobe, one of the most dynamic and thought-provoking speakers I’ve ever encountered, was delivering his presentation on “Coloring Outside the Lines: Creating a New HR Experience”. Besides finding myself laughing and occasionally clapping at Jeff’s anecdotes, I learned from him some brilliant, novel perspectives.”

- Corporate Training Specialist at UC Berkeley | Michelle Hwang

“As you know, this was the first time that we have held a teambuilding ‘event’ for our entire firm-a group of people who are definitely NOT outside-the-lines! Getting 350 people motivated enough to go out on city streets to produce their 5 minute videos was a challenge in itself. The most amazing part was the positive feedback we have received in the aftermath. You have made us look like heroes and for that we say thank you. Good luck in topping this next year!”

- Deloitte and Touche | Elicia Troesse

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Recent Books

Anticipate: Knowing What Customers Need Before They Do
Purchase Book
Coloring Outside the Lines™: Business Thoughts on Creativity, Marketing and Sales
Purchase Book

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