Daryl Wizelman

Leadership, corporate culture and work/life balance visionary

Daryl Wizelman Fee Range
$5,000 to $10,000
(Inquire for virtual fee)

Travels From
California, United States

Daryl Wizelman Speaker Biography

Leadership, Corporate Culture and Work/Life Balance Expert

Daryl Wizelman is a leadership, corporate culture and work/life balance visionary.  Daryl combines his inspiring story with some practical tools which can be implemented immediately to improve the lives, careers and companies that he touches.  Daryl spends his time speaking, consulting & motivating companies, associations and individuals all over the world.

Daryl owned and operated a financial services company from 1990-2007.  The company had over 550 employees, 3 billion dollars in gross volume and over 60 million dollars in annual revenue.  He was responsible for managing day-to-day operations and communicating the company’s short and long term vision to his employees.  The organization was known for its employee loyalty, abundant culture, and world class client satisfaction.

During his 17 year ownership tenure Daryl developed the strategies that today make him a sought after speaker and consultant to a variety of business leaders and associations.

As a speaker, Daryl has been told over and over that his presentations are life changing.  He has enthusiastic endorsements from many individuals, business leaders and organizations. Attendees will leave his presentations with tools and ideas on creating positive and lasting change in their businesses and their lives.  This positive change will result in increased employee loyalty, improved corporate recruiting and improve the net profit to the business through the leveraging of a positive corporate culture and giving abundantly to the people they lead.  Wizelman encourages the attendees to “swipe and adapt” his tools and concepts to “pay it forward” to the attendee’s co-workers, employees, referral sources, clients and other influencers by presenting to them what they have learned from him.

Daryl earned his B.A. in communications from California State University Northridge.

Daryl Wizelman Speaking Topics

Leadership and Management and Work/Life Balance

In this presentation, Wizelman passionately introduce concepts and tools to the attendees and then ask the members to discuss specific issues they are having regarding the need for an improved corporate culture, increased employee and client loyalty and recruiting employees and clients to their firms. In addition, all of my ideas, concepts and tools can be used and adapted to each attendees personal life and the lives of the people who are important to them.
Key issues covered include:
- New ideas for leading and managing in today’s challenging economy.
- How to create and maintain a positive corporate culture.
- Priority/time management. Being proactive versus reactive.
- High payoff versus low payoff activities.
- The importance and practice of self-awareness.
- How to plan and lead efficient and effective meetings.
- Getting to know your employees, referral sources, influencers and customers.
- The four stages of competence.
- Introduction to Life Planning.
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Effective leadership

This keynote is centered on what makes leaders great. Why do people choose to follow some and not others? What are the traits that all great leaders possess? Is leadership innate or can it be taught? We will delve into and answer these questions in discovering that we all have the ability to lead. The audience will leave with a greater understanding of how great leaders think and act and how they can improve their leadership skills.

Creating and maintaining a positive corporate culture

This is a keynote on how to create a company where the culture is warm, inviting, exciting and fun. As John Maxwell writes, "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." People don't work for companies, they work for other people. Whether you manage one person or 10,000, this keynote address will give you ideas and tools to improve your corporate culture forever. Most people don't leave their jobs because of money. They leave because of who they work for and the corporate culture they work in. The audience will leave with ideas and tools to improve the corporate culture and create a workplace where employees want to come. It will increase a company's ability to retain their current employees and recruit new ones.

How to create customers for life

This is a keynote that touches on a series of tools that can be used to ensure your customer calls on you time and time again. This keynote will include, data base mining, time management, life planning, business vision, personal vision, trust and likeability and others . . . The audience will leave with a brush stroke of numerous ways to earn their clients trust and business for life.

Time and priority management

This keynote is focused on what you should be doing with your time and what someone else should be doing on your behalf. We will analyze the value of your time and what you want to do with your time. We will spend time on the "100% question" which is, "if you could spend 100% of your time doing what brings the most value and revenue to your business and what you enjoy doing most in your business, how much happier, productive and successful would you be?." The audience will leave with clear and practical tools that will enable them to separate the tasks they perform from the tasks that will or should be performed by others. We will also discuss implementation and maintenance of these activities.

Life Planning day

This is an all day session on helping people write a Life Plan (a business plan for their lives). The event will begin with an hour + of movies clips, music and material that will move the attendees into an emotional and intellectual state so they will be ready to write their Life Plan. The Life Plan is a journal that is private and for them and only them. Their process will consist of:
a. Identifying the 6-10 most important areas of their lives (spouse, kids, career, health, religion, hobbies, etc…).
b. Assessing each account. What is working well, what is not working well and what could use some improvement. This requires the attendee to be honest with themselves about each area/account of their life.
c. Writing about the “purpose” of each account or why that person or thing is important to the attendee.
d. Where they envision that area to be in 1, 5, 10 and 20 years. This is a detailed description of where they ideally want that account to be in of those time periods.
e. A series of actions plans for each account detailing specifically how the attendee is going to get the account from where it is now to where they ideally want it to be.
The Life Planning day is a full day commitment but it can be life changing.

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