Colleen Stanley

Top Sales and Leadership Keynote Speaker and Author of Growing Great Sales Teams

 Sales  |  Leadership

Colleen Stanley Fee Range
$10,001 to $20,000
(Inquire for virtual fee)

Travels From
Colorado, United States

Colleen Stanley Speaker Biography

Top Sales and Leadership Keynote Speaker and Author of Growing Great Sales Teams

Colleen Stanley is president of of her own sales development firm specializing in the integration of emotional intelligence, sales and sales leadership skills. She is the the author of three books, Emotional Intelligence For Sales Success, now published in eight languages, Emotional Intelligence For Sales Leadership and Growing Great Sales Teams.

Varsity Spirit

Prior to starting her own company, Colleen was vice president of sales and marketing for Varsity Spirit Corporation where she led a national sales team of over 100 sellers. Forbes Magazine named Varsity as one of the 200 fastest growing companies in the United States.

Honors and Awards

Colleen is a recipient of many awards for her work in sales development and thought leadership. Salesforce named Colleen one of the most influential sales figures in the 21st century and is recognized as one of the Top 30 Global Sales Gurus.

When Colleen is not speaking or training, she loves to hike, read and hang out with her husband Jim and friends in the foothills of Colorado.

Colleen Stanley Speaking Topics

Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success

The reality is we live in the information age, however, are still running into the same challenges we did 25 years ago in sales. It’s time for a new perspective, it’s time to learn and leverage the power of emotional intelligence in sales. Based on Colleen’s best-selling book, Emotional Intelligence For Sales Success, this enlightening and entertaining keynote takes a deep dive in helping participants understand how soft skills, EQ skills, produce hard sales results. Key Learning Objectives • Emotion Management: Stop the trigger-response-regret loop. Avoid defaulting to fight or flight responses in difficult sales conversations. Discover how salespeople conduct sales conversation that create fight or flight responses in prospects and customers. • Emotional Self-Awareness: Discover how this mega skill impacts sales results. ‘That which you are not aware of you cannot change.’ Stop running on the sales treadmill—to nowhere. • Empathy: Elevate the sales conversation by tuning into the real sales conversation, the one that is often not being verbalized. Stop holding generic, superficial conversations with prospects and clients. Develop the deep connection skills that result in real conversations and real sales results. • Execution: Build sales teams that are resilient, responsible and consistently generate revenue.

Emotional Intelligence for Sales Management Success

Sales organizations are under more pressure, change and competition than ever before. The pandemic upended how sales teams went to market, where they worked, and how they worked. And more changes are on the horizon. This business environment requires strong sales leadership. This business environment requires emotionally intelligent sales leadership because emotionally intelligent sales cultures are resilient cultures. They win business regardless of external circumstances. Key Learning Objectives • Create sales cultures that embrace feedback. Eliminate defensive behaviors during coaching sessions. Develop sales teams that fail fast, fail well and immediately apply valuable lessons learned. • Increase the speed by which your sales team adapts and flexes to change. Avoid the curse of comfort zones and good enough zones. • Improve your sales team's ability to demonstrate the powerful influence skill of empathy. • Emotionally connect with prospects and customers and accelerate trust and sales results. • Build your sales teams resiliency muscles. Stop being paralyzed by setbacks and adversity.

Ownership Sales Cultures - The Sales EQ and Sales IQ of Winning Business

Human beings tend to assign blame and excuses to others when goals are not being achieved. It’s how people protect their self-esteem and self-worth. Salespeople are human beings and without emotional intelligence training can also default to the “blame game.” • I don’t have a good territory. • My prospects only buy on price. • Marketing isn’t providing enough qualified leads. • My SDR isn’t qualifying the leads from the marketing department. • I didn’t receive any training or enough training. • Our competition has better branding and prices. Time to stop the blame game. Build an emotionally intelligent sales team. These high EQ sales teams take responsibility for both their successes and failures. No excuses. A lot of sales. In this inspiring, action changing keynote, top sales keynote speaker Colleen Stanley addresses the “excuse elephant” in the room. Participants leave equipped with the emotional intelligence skills and selling skills that increase accountability, sales results and…a whole lot of happiness. Key Learning Objectives • Improve your sales team’s locus of control. Focus on what you can control rather than what you can’t control. • Develop the EQ skill of self-awareness. “That which you are not aware of you cannot change.” • Identify and challenge self-limiting beliefs that create a victim and blame mentality. • Eliminate sales drama and increase sales results. • Learn the power of perspective, productivity and increased sales.

5 Ways CEOs Screw Up the Sales Function

Yup, it's true. The CEO or business owner might well be the culprit for slow or stagnant growth. Discover why your organizations 'blind side' is you. This presentation is designed for entrepreneurs, CEOs and business owners looking to accelerate profitable growth. Colleen's expertise is real world from her years of working for a small company that is now the largest in the world in their industry and working with hundreds of sales organizations that have successfully scaled revenues. Get ready to have sales myths, old paradigms and outdated approaches to growth exposed and disposed! Key Learning Objectives • Why your sales infrastructure is stagnating sales and not scaling growth. • Eliminate dart board, generic, one size fits all quotas that encourage mediocrity. • Turnover is good – especially if you've got the wrong people driving and sitting • on the sales bus. Why EQ matters in sales and leadership. Are you the smartest guy in the room – that no one likes? • The power of a sales playbook. You can't manage 10 different sales playbooks.

Colleen Stanley Books

Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success: Connect with Customers and get Results
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Emotional Intelligence for Sales Leadership: The Secret to Building High-Performance Sales Teams
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Colleen Stanley Videos

Colleen Stanley Speaker Testimonials

Emotional intelligence is an extremely relevant topic. Colleen is THE expert in showing the importance of EQ as it relates to sales. Her energy and stage presence helps to inspire, energize and motivate people, ensuring they reflect and take action. Colleen has really been a pleasure to partner with on both our webcasts and live events, regularly receiving great feedback from attendees. In running the Sales Thought Leadership Program at Salesforce, I get to work with many great speakers and Colleen always is front-of-mind to work with more.

- Tim Clark, Director of Product Management | Salesforce

We serve an educated and progressive audience that demands a lot from our speakers. Colleen Stanley delivered an innovative and thought-provoking presentation to our CEOs. In fact, we plan to continue our partnership and work more with Colleen in the coming year.

- Magdalena Pielak, Corporate Projects Director | Harvard Business Review

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Recent Books

Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success: Connect with Customers and get Results
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Emotional Intelligence for Sales Leadership: The Secret to Building High-Performance Sales Teams
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