Chris Trimble

NY Times Bestselling Author, Professor, and World-Renowned Innovation Expert

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$10,001 to $20,000
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New Hampshire, United States

Chris Trimble Speaker Biography

NY Times Bestselling Author, Professor, and World-Renowned Innovation Expert

It’s no secret America’s health care system is ailing. It needs innovation – and the right leadership. Chris Trimble is helping deliver both.

Health Care Innovation

For more than 15 years, Trimble has studied this vexing challenge affecting even the best-managed organizations: executing innovation. Most recently, he’s completed a multi-year research effort focused on translating his experience to health care. Trimble’s sixth book, How Physicians Can Fix Health Care: One Innovation at a Time  (American Association for Physician Leadership, October 2015), offers an essential step-by-step guide for physician innovators, their teams and their organizations’ senior leaders.


An adjunct professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, Trimble is the author of five additional books, including  Beyond the Idea: How to Execute Innovation in Any Organization  (St. Martin’s Press, 2013) with co-author Vijay Govindarajan. The expert duo also collaborated on The New York Times best-seller  Reverse Innovation: Create Far From Home, Win Everywhere  (Harvard Business Review Press, 2012), focusing on the specific challenge of innovating to propel growth in emerging markets. Trimble’s other notable publications include two Harvard Business Review articles: the McKinsey award-winning  “Stop the Innovation Awards”  (2010) and  “How GE is Disrupting Itself”  (2009), written with Govindarajan and GE Chairman Jeff Immelt.


An engaging teacher and speaker, Trimble is also a renowned advisor and has consulted with a wide-range of large global organizations as GE, AT&T, eBay, Microsoft, Thomson-Reuters and The New York Times Company.


Known for mixing rigorous academic research with hard-nosed practical experience, Trimble’s interest in innovation with large organizations developed early in his career as a submarine officer in the U.S. Navy. He holds an MBA with distinction from the Tuck School and a Bachelor of Science degree with highest distinction from the University of Virginia.

Chris Trimble Speaking Topics

Fixing Health Care through Leadership and Innovation

Contracts that reward value instead of volume are spreading. This is powerful progress in the effort to fix health care, but changing incentives is only step one, cautions Chris Trimble. The rest of the job – fixing the care – is up to innovators on the front lines. Across the country, there are tens of thousands of opportunities to build new care teams that will transform the way care is delivered. However, there will be little progress on the largest opportunities without one essential ingredient: physician leadership. Trimble pays particular attention to this need and examines what it takes to succeed. Drawing from his October 2015 book, “How Physicians Can Fix Health Care: One Innovation at a Time,” and building on more than a decade of cross-industry research into the best practices for managing innovation within established organizations, Trimble dissects the challenges faced by leaders of innovation in health care delivery and identifies specific, step-by-step solutions to maximize success.

To Innovate, Go Beyond the Idea

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison said it over a century ago. No one listened. When companies launch innovation initiatives, they typically allot almost all of their time and energy on that initial one percent – the thrilling hunt for the breakthrough idea. But the much ballyhooed burst of inspiration is merely a starting point. The real innovation challenge lies beyond the idea, says Chris Trimble. Businesses are not designed for innovation; they’re designed for ongoing operations. And there are deep, fundamental conflicts between the two. Drawing on examples from many industries and tackling the most noxious innovation myths, Trimble shows how to move innovations forward while simultaneously sustaining excellence in ongoing operations.

Chris Trimble Books

Beyond the Idea: How to Execute Innovation in Any Organization
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How Stella Saved the Farm: A Tale About Making Innovation Happen
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Reverse Innovation: Create Far From Home, Win Everywhere
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Chris Trimble Videos

Chris Trimble Speaker Testimonials

"Trimble calls on physicians to lead, not rule. He asks each of us to use our talents to resist the status quo, to take responsibility for building new teams and new systems, and to truly accomplish the goals most of us spoke to when we started our careers."

- Gundersen Health System | Jeffrey Thompson, MD, CEO

"Chris Trimble has a refreshing and challenging message for physicians. Not only can physicians resume their leadership of health care reform, they must. In an era when many physicians are feeling manipulated, this book offers a blueprint for physician-led teamwork to move us toward a more effective, efficient, and compassionate health care system."

- Oregon Health and Science University | Richard Deyo MD, Professor of Family Medicine

"I'm excited to see Chris Trimble bring his formidable expertise on innovation to health care delivery. With engaging and inspiring stories, Trimble reveals a path forward, towards better outcomes and experiences for both providers and patients."

- University of Pennsylvania Health System | Roy Rosin, CIO

"At a time when many doctors are considering leaving medicine, Trimble offers a voice of hope and an innovative approach for how doctors can lead the way to a more collaborative, effective, and sustainable system."

- Doctor’s Crossing | Heather Fork, MD, Founder

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Recent Books

Beyond the Idea: How to Execute Innovation in Any Organization
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How Stella Saved the Farm: A Tale About Making Innovation Happen
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