Bill Bachrach

Results Driven Financial Services Expert and author of Values Based Financial Planning

Bill Bachrach Fee Range
$10,001 to $20,000
(Inquire for virtual fee)

Travels From
California, United States

Bill Bachrach Speaker Biography

Results Driven Financial Services Expert and author of Values Based Financial Planning

Bill Bachrach’s wide range of talents have made him one of the most popular go-to experts in the world for successful financial advisors who strive to be at the top of their profession in terms of client service, business success, and personal quality of life.


He has written several industry best-seller books, including Values-Based Financial Planning, High-Trust Leadership, and It’s All About Them, and his articles have been published in some of the most reputable financial services publications around the world.

Keynote Speaker

Bill has served as keynote speaker for major international industry conferences and delivered thousands of presentations worldwide for major financial services firms and associations including: FPA National Convention, Million Dollar Roundtable and Top of the Table.


Bill has earned a spot in Financial Planning magazine’s Hall of Fame where he is deemed as one of the industry’s most influential people and the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame for a career of speaking excellence.

Values-Based Financial Planning

What financial advisors receive from Bill produces long-term results; Results measured by a greater financial service experience for clients and a more rewarding business experience for the advisor. Financial advisors from around the world travel to work with Bill Bachrach and his team of expert faculty and Accountability Coaches to implement the Values-Based Financial Planning™ Turn-Key Business Model.

Endurance Athlete

On a personal level, Bill successfully completed the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, noted as the toughest, single-day athletic event in the world. He shares this and other unique life experiences to captivate and inspire audiences at his speaking and training programs.


Bill Bachrach Speaking Topics

Speaking the Language of Trust

The participants will leave this session with more clarity about why trust is so crucial, what to do to move the needle on the "trust dial" in the right direction with existing clients and more rapidly establish trust with prospective clients, how to implement immediately in the real world, and inspiration to implement. The impact of deliberately building a high-trust client relationship is quickly evident by clients who are more willing to pay for financial planning and advice, more assets gathered, clients who implement the advisor's advice, and clients who are more inclined to refer.

Values-Based Financial Planningâ„¢

Do you have clients who do some of their business with you, but not all of it? Do you have clients who do transactions with you, but not comprehensive planning? Do you have clients who have some of their assets under your management, but have more money elsewhere...maybe a lot more? Do you have clients who follow some of your advice, but don't follow all of your advice? Do you have clients who know lots of people they could be referring you to, but they aren't? What would have to happen to shift these client relationships to a deeper level of trust so they do all of their business with you, bring all of their assets under your management, follow all of your advice, and introduce you to everybody they know who could possibly be an Ideal Client for you? What impact would having the skill to create this relationship shift have on your business? How much more money would you make? How much more time freedom would you have? And how would that impact your overall professional and personal satisfaction? In this session Bill will demonstrate the 5 conversations of the Financial Road Map® interview, the crux of Values-Based Financial Planning™. In about an hour, effectively implementing the Financial Road Map® interview shifts the relationships to a deeper level of trust that inspires new and existing clients to: hire you to create a financial plan (and pay for it; consolidate all of their assets and financial affairs with you; ignore "financial pornography"; act on your advice, and referrals.

High-Trust Leadership for Financial Planners and Advisors

To be one of the most successful financial professionals in today's world you must effectively lead yourself, lead your clients, and lead your team. In this powerful, content-rich session Bill will discuss the keys to going beyond being a technically competent practitioner to running your business like a true CEO and high-trust leader. As a result you will more effectively: Lead your clients to make smart choices about their money without being distracted by what is out of their control like the markets, the economy, politics, and world events; Lead your team to own the results necessary for optimal client service and business success; Lead yourself to have the discipline to do what's most important and productive rather than what's comfortable and familiar. The real-world impact will be: More revenue and profit from Ideal Clients; less stress and anxiety; and greater time freedom and quality of life.

High-Trust Leadership for Managers

Just as trust is the glue that holds the Advisor - Client relationship together, so it is with the Leader - Advisor relationship. This session considers the importance of trust, how to establish it, how to maintain it, and how use it to inspire advisors to tap their true potential for the benefit of their clients and themselves and families. Leaders and managers will become better at attracting, retaining, and elevating the success of advisors. Leaders and managers will learn: Why high standards have more power to influence behavior and success; how to tap into an advisor's most important goals and most deeply held values to inspire them to do the work their goals require to achieve them, especially when they don't feel like it; and how to help advisors focus on what they can control, so they stay on track even when negative market, economic, political, or world events are distracting.

The Roadmap to Success

In this presentation Bill shares 7 essential ingredients that the most successful advisors use to propel themselves to the next level on their unique road to success. Here's what they will learn: Why this is GREAT time to be a Financial Advisor! How a compelling vision of your future can help you tap into your own, personal motivation to do the work your goals require to achieve them. Especially when it's hard or you just don't feel like it. How to model the right mindset to remain focused and on-track to achieve your goals, regardless of external negative events that are beyond your control. Why being a Trusted Advisor, not a salesperson, will help you attract and retain better clients. What a better value proposition can do to help you attract and retain better clients. That there is no silver bullet, so stop looking and just do the work your goals require to achieve them. How the power of self-belief and borrowing the belief of others can propel you to higher levels of success than you may have previously believed possible. Advisors leave this session with tools and inspiration to create a roadmap so they can more quickly and easily reach higher levels of success.

The Totally Trusted Financial Advisor

Examples illustrating patterns of how successful advisors move the needle on the "trust dial" to the maximum. 3 keys to speaking the language of Trust. Common mistakes financial professionals make that unwittingly move the needle on the "trust dial" in the wrong direction. Great questions that move the needle on the "trust dial" in the right direction. Inspiration about why this is a great business and why you should be the most successful Financial Professional you can be. The participants will leave this session with more clarity about why trust is so crucial, what to do to move the needle on the "trust dial" in the right direction with existing clients and more rapidly establish trust with prospective clients, how to implement immediately in the real world, and inspiration to implement. The impact of deliberately building a high-trust client relationship is quickly evident by clients who are more willing to pay for financial planning and advice, more assets gathered, clients who implement the advisor's advice, and clients who are more inclined to refer.

Bill Bachrach Books

Values Based Financial Planning
Purchase Book
Values Based Selling: The Art of Building High-Trust Client Relationships
Purchase Book

Bill Bachrach Videos

Bill Bachrach Speaker Testimonials

Bill Bachrach's programs are powerful, timely, and enriched with content designed to be meaningful to advisors serving all types of clients. His refreshing point of view and commanding style are tailored to motivate advisors, of all calibers, to achieve greater levels of success.

- | Lincoln Financial Services

You can always count on Bill for great content and phenomenal delivery, but this was the best I've seen him. Impactful and on-point for advisors wanting to remain relevant and valued by their clients in the post-DOL World.

- | ProEquities

For most keynote speakers, Advisors say, 'That was great, so who is next?' These are our best Advisors and overwhelmingly they wanted Bill back again this year. He definitely delivered another thought-provoking presentation with actionable ideas they can implement for even better results. Bill sent out pre-work for our Advisors to help them have an even greater experience and this on-line extra training exceeded my expectations. If you want to give your Advisors a great experience that they can use in today's world, you need to hire Bill.

- | Richardson GMP

Bill conducted another outstanding presentation for my Advisors and the ratings were very high, as I expected. He is 'spot on' with helping them be crystal clear about their value promise to clients and prospective clients. Their value promise and them delivering on that promise defines what they can charge clients and clients will gladly pay for that experience. Advisors who apply what Bill teaches will have no issues with CRM2 and can exponentially grow their business. We look forward to continuing our relationship as we move our Advisors to doing even more financial planning.

- | Manulife

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Recent Books

Values Based Financial Planning
Purchase Book
Values Based Selling: The Art of Building High-Trust Client Relationships
Purchase Book

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