Barry Posner

Leadership Expert, Professor and Bestselling Co-Author of The Leadership Challenge

Barry Posner Fee Range
$20,001 to $50,000
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Travels From
California, United States

Barry Posner Speaker Biography

Leadership Expert, Professor and Bestselling Co-Author of The Leadership Challenge

Expert in leadership, Dr Barry Posner is a speaker, facilitator and an award winning author. Described as warm, engaging and dynamic in his delivery of information as a conference speaker, Barry combines both practical applications with his own insight to drive results.

Professor of Leadership

Barry Posner, Ph.D., is Professor of Leadership at the Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University (located in the heart of Silicon Valley, CA), where he served for 12 years as Dean of the School. He, along with his co-author Jim Kouzes, received the American Society for Training and Developmentโ€ฒs highest award for their โ€œDistinguished Contribution to Workplace Learning and Performance.โ€ The International Management Council named them as the nationโ€™s top management and leadership educators, and he was recently recognized as one of the Top 50 Leadership Coaches in America.

The Leadership Challenge

Dr. Posner is the co-author of the award-winning and best-selling leadership book The Leadership Challenge. Described as a ground-breaking research study, this book combines keen insights with practical applications and captures both why and how leadership is everyoneโ€ฒs business. With over 1.8 million copies in print, this book has been named one of The Top 100 Business Books of All Time, book-of-the-year by the American Council of Health Care Executives, received the Criticโ€ฒs Choice Award from book review editors, and translated into over 20 foreign languages.

Leadership Practices Inventory

The Leadership Practices Inventory has been called โ€œthe most reliable, up-to-date leadership instrument available today,โ€ and over 1.1 million people around the globe have completed the online version. Dr. Posner has also co-authored several other award-winning, inspiring and practical books on leadership: Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It; Encouraging the Heart: A Leaders Guide to Recognizing and Rewarding Others; The Academic Administratorโ€ฒs Guide to Exemplary Leadership; and A Leaderโ€ฒs Legacy.


Dr. Posner is an internationally renowned scholar who has published more than 85 research and practitioner-oriented articles, in such journals as the: Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Relations, Personnel Psychology, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and the like. He is currently on the editorial review boards of the International Journal of Servant-Leadership, Leadership and Organizational Development, and Leadership Review. He serves on the Board of Directors for the San Jose Repertory Theatre and EMQ Family First.

Leadership Keynote Speaker

Described as a warm, engaging and pragmatic conference speaker and dynamic workshop facilitator, Dr. Posner has worked with such organizations as: Alcoa, Applied Materials, Australian Institute of Management, Charles Schwab, Conference Board of Canada, Hewlett-Packard, Kaiser Permanente Health Care, L.L. Bean, Levi Strauss, Merck, Motorola, NetApp, Trader Joeโ€ฒs, US Postal Service, and been involved with leadership development efforts at more than 35 college campuses. He has made presentations and conducted workshops across the U.S, Canada, Mexico, Europe, the Far East, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

Honors and Awards

Barry Posner received an undergraduate degree in political science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, a masterโ€ฒs degree from the Ohio State University in public administration, and his Ph.D. in organizational behavior and administrative theory from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. At Santa Clara he has received the Presidentโ€ฒs Distinguished Faculty Award, the Schoolโ€™s Extraordinary Faculty Award, and several other outstanding teaching and leadership honors.

Barry Posner Speaking Topics

The Leadership Challenge: The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadershipยฎ

Credibility: The Foundation of Leadership

Encouraging the Heart: Rewarding and Recognizing Others

Leadership Development Is Self-Development

It Takes Courage to Make a Life

Barry Posner Books

Finding the Courage to Lead
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Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It
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The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations
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Barry Posner Videos

Barry Posner Speaker Testimonials

Barry Posner is an articulate leader, inspiring educator, charismatic speaker and successful author. His leadership and management books reflect best practices for individuals and organizations. Those who have collaborated with Barry, whether at the university level, on non-profit boards, or other management venues, have valued his insight, talents, and unique perspective on human behavior.

- Barbara Nadel, Principal Architect | FAIA

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Recent Books

Finding the Courage to Lead
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Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It
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