Stephen Moore Speaker Biography
Renowned Economist and Best-Selling Author
Stephen Moore is a distinguished visiting fellow in economics at the Heritage Foundation, the largest private research institute in Washington, D.C.
Senior Economic Advisor to Trump Campaign
He served as a senior economic advisor to the Donald Trump for President campaign where he helped write the Trump tax plan and worked on energy and budget issues for candidate Trump.
Moore is also a senior economic analyst with CNN, where he provides daily commentary on the economy, fiscal policy and politics. From 2014- 2017 he served as a Fox News contributor.
The Wall Street Journal
From 2005 to 2014 Moore served as the senior economics writer for the Wall Street Journal editorial page and as a member of the Journal’s editorial board. He is still a regular contributor to the Journal’s editorial page.
Keynote Speaker
He is a frequent lecturer to business, investment and university audiences around the world on the U.S. economic and political outlook in Washington, D.C.
Club for Growth
From 1999-2004 Moore served as founder and President of the Club for Growth, a 25,000-member organization dedicated to helping elect free market, tax cutting candidates to Congress. In his tenure as president, the Club for Growth became one of the most influential and respected political organizations in the nation. In 2003-04 the Club for Growth raised nearly $22 million for Republican congressional and Senate candidates, making the Club the biggest single money raiser for Republican candidates outside the party itself.
In 2007 he received the Ronald Reagan “Great Communicator” award from the Republican party for his advancement of economic understanding.
Joint Economic Committee
Mr. Moore has served as a Senior Economist at the Joint Economic Committee under former Chairman Dick Armey of Texas. There, he advised Mr. Armey on budget, tax, and competitiveness issues. He was also an architect of the famous Armey flat tax proposal.
From 1983 through 1987, Mr. Moore served as the Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Budgetary Affairs at the Heritage Foundation. Mr Moore has worked for two presidential commissions. In 1988, he was a Special Consultant to the National Economic Commission. In 1987, he was Research director of President Reagan’s commission on Privatization.
Mr. Moore is the author of 6 books. His latest book is Trumponomics: The Inside Story of the Trump Economic Boom. His previous books include: Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy, Who’s the Fairest of Them All? The Truth About Taxes, Income and Wealth in America, and Return to Prosperity: How America Can Regain its Economic Superpower Status. That book was a finalist for the F.A. Hayek book award for advancing economic understanding. His books also include: Its Getting Better All the Time: The 100 Greatest Trends of the Last Century, and Government: America’s Number One Growth Industry.
Mr. Moore is a graduate of the University of Illinois and holds an MA in Economics from George Mason University. In 2010 he was awarded the University of Illinois alumni of the year.
Stephen Moore Speaking Topics
These are the most turbulent economic times in more than a generation. Political turbulence also reigns with the newly elected presidential administration bringing to Washington a new set of radically different policies. Stephen Moore’s presentation provides audiences with an inside look at how the economic policy and political decisions in Washington impact the financial outlook for investors. Increasingly, Fed policies, congressional budget policies, Washington tax policies and bailouts have a profound impact on the stock market and the nation’s economic growth path. Shrewd investors can no longer ignore the policy outlook. The presentation provides interesting graphics and is interspersed with humorous tales about the inside story of how Washington really works (and in most cases, doesn’t) provided by a 20 year veteran of inside the beltway policy making. This presentation discusses how economic policy changes in the past 20 years have effected the markets and how changes in the years ahead—from the Bush tax cuts to Social Security and health care reforms—will influence the financial scene in the U.S and abroad over the next decade.
This keynote explores what it means for our economic system and our economic results to be "fair." Does it mean that everyone has a fair shot? Does it mean that everyone gets the same amount? Does it mean the government can assert the authority to forcibly take from the successful and give to the poor? Is government supposed to be Robin Hood determining who gets what? Or should the market decide that?
Stephen Moore Books

Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy
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