Lisa Williams Speaker Biography
Dr. Williams is a respected researcher, national columnist and award-winning speaker. She is the President and CEO of Williams Research and the author of Leading Beyond Excellence. As a former professor at PennStateUniversity and a two-time endowed chair holder, she has dedicated her life to educating and developing excellence in future and current leaders. Major corporations and President Clinton’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection have sought her advice. Dr. Williams’ research has practical and global implications and as such she has spoken to audiences in the United States, Belgium, Austria, Canada, London and Australia.
Dr. Williams has been given the highest honor bestowed upon a faculty member — an endowed chair. Upon receiving the award she said, “This is like receiving the Academy Award for Faculty”. Actually, Dr. Williams has been given this honor — not once but twice — in three years. As the first female to hold a multimillion dollar endowed chair in her field, the first African American female to graduate from The Ohio State University’s Marketing and Logistics Department and the second woman in her discipline to become a full professor, she has committed herself to exceptional scholarship. In fact, her accomplishments were recognized when she was given the American Marketing Association PhD. Project Trailblazer Award.
Her peers and students alike recognize her as a leader in the field of business and supply chain management. She has received many teaching awards and recognition from OhioState, PennState, and the University of Arkansas. Dr. Williams has been ranked by the most prestigious journal in the field for the number of articles published. Her research has been published in the Journal of Marketing Channels, Journal of Business Logistics, the Transportation Journal, The International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management and the International Journal of Logistics Management. Her column Profiles in Leadership is published in the Supply Chain Management Review Magazine.
While featured in many magazines for her expertise in business, Dr. Williams is renowned for her ability to motivate executives, future leaders and audiences of all sizes. She will show you how to:
- Identify and cultivate your organization’s most powerful embedded leaders
– Assess and improve your own leadership skills and become a trailblazing leader
– Engage employees in achieving objectives
– Create an organization that will retain the best and brightest individuals
Lisa Williams Speaking Topics
Stop Struggling! Get Rich Stay Rich: 5 Proven Ways to Financial and Life Success
How many times have you struggled with finances or repeating life issues? Well that stops now. Learn the secrets to getting your finances, relationships, health and career to prosper. Move from the dreaded life to your dream life by using these proven methods. Success in all areas of your life will be yours as you understand these easy and practical lessons. Find out “how to” bring your desires from your thoughts into your reality. Discover “how to” experience the wealth your dream about—Now!
Go Where No Leader Has Gone Before: 7 Proven Strategies to Become a Trailblazing Leader
Today we enjoy technologies and luxuries unimagined just a generation ago. Our progress has been created by individuals with an empowered vision who’ve lead others to see the possibility of the impossible. Each of us can become a trailblazer with an unstoppable vision that galvanizes others and creates a zone of invincibility. Supported by years of research, a practical and implementable plan is offered to assist leaders in manifesting their visions by gaining support and overcoming resistance to change.
Breaking New Ground: 7 Ways to Become a Woman of Leadership Signifiacance
We have long been told what could not be done. We know the challenges women face but now discover how to be a female leader who moves from survival to significance. Gain skills on how not to fight against the odds but to use them as stepping stones to achieve success never before seen. Learn how legendary and contemporary women without support, connections or knowing “how” have revolutionized industries such health care, retail and technology.
Will the Real Leaders Please Stand Up: Seven Steps to Tap the Leadership Giants Throughout Your Organization
Within every organization a vast resource often goes untapped: the embedded leader. They are among the most influential individuals because of the trust relationships they develop at multiple levels throughout the organization. Through their powerful connections, they are the true communicators within an organization and create synergistic relationships empowering people to achieve what appears impossible.
Quantum Breakthroughs: Seven Ways to Use Modern Science and Intentions to Align Organizational and Individual Resources
We have long been told to "think positive". Today the new science of quantum physics has discovered that our intentions directly influence physical reality. Our smart intentions inspire ourselves, attract favorable experiences and energize people to strive for exceptional performance. Intentional leaders are more powerful and effective in realizing organizational missions, not only because they are authentic and driven, but because they magnetize powerful individuals and spark synergy, creativity and teamwork.
Lisa Williams Books

Leading Beyond Excellence
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Lisa Williams Speaker Testimonials
Lisa is an expert who has the unique ability to inform and inspire the audience. I personally walked away energized because of the possibilities she presented
- Wayne Paul | Vice President, Home Depot
I was hyped after hearing Dr. Williams. Weeks after her speech, I am still reciting lines from her talk
- Sheila Bell | General Motors
Dr. Williams puts a face on success. She lives it, studies it and teaches it. I was awestruck by her presence and presentation. I listen to the tape daily for motivation
- Bruce Gorman | Audience Participant
She is pure energy. Watch out she will blow you away
- Saundra Holmes | Senior Logistician, Amsec Corp