John Coyle

Innovation Expert, Olympic Silver Medalist, Sports Analyst and Entrepreneur

John Coyle Fee Range
$20,001 to $50,000
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Travels From
Illinois, United States

John Coyle Speaker Biography

Innovation Expert, Olympic Silver Medalist,
Sports Analyst and Entrepreneur

John K. Coyle, Founder of The Art of Really Living, author of The Art of Really Living Manifesto: Reversing the Acceleration of Time and is one of the world’s leading experts in innovation and Design Thinking. He is a graduate of Stanford’s “” where his academic advisor was David Kelley, the founder of IDEO and Steve Jobs’ right hand man. John earned his MBA from Kellogg and is an Olympic silver medalist in speed skating, NBC sports analyst, and SVP and Professor of Innovation.

Design Thinking

John has been applying “design thinking” to companies, careers, lives and leadership challenges for more than 20 years. As a speaker and author, his talent is weaving facts, examples and intellectual principles into engaging stories which bring his topics to life and really make you think. They are inspiring, practical and actionable.


A thought leader in the field of horology (the study of time), John is an expert on how to stop the perceived acceleration of time, and create summers that last forever. John’s message: The best way to unlock human potential and drive growth is to design lives, careers, and teams maximizing strengths rather than fixing weaknesses. The best way to innovate your life and business so you can take on greater challenges and grow, is to increase personal resilience. When you design your life around your strengths and cultivate your resilience, you can master the art of really living: creating more meaningful experiences and intense memories.


In his presentations, John shares real-life stories from his experiences of finding his own strengths and resilience as an Olympian, innovator and father. His metaphors and practical guidelines empower his audience to take extraordinary action to innovate their lives and careers to achieve breakthrough performance and create meaning in the process.

John Coyle Speaking Topics

Strengths 2.0: How to Apply Design Thinking to Individual (and Team) Strengths and Weaknesses

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Stop it: innovate instead. This two part workshop will help your team: Learn how to identify, understand, and accept unique strengths (and how they relate to weaknesses) in order to decide what to focus on, and what to delegate, team up on, or outsource Understand how to use principles from "design thinking" to deliberately design lives, careers, and teams maximizing native strengths in order to achieve breakthrough performance. By designing around individual weaknesses, create higher engagement and greater collaboration with your teams, and colleagues by leveraging the diverse strengths of the team.

Time 2.0 Counterclockwise - How to Unwind Cognitive Time and Live Forever

Why is time accelerating? Why did summers as children seem so much longer than a summer as an adult? Is there any way to design our lives to slow, stop and reverse the acceleration of time? John explores the cognitive biases and errors that govern "experiential time" and explores ways to slow the ticking of the clock in service of the most precious commodity we have: time.

4 Movements In Time: An Exploration of the Nature of Time Via Music, Movement and Metaphor

Part talk, part performance art, part concerto, this syncopated and coordinated sharing of piano, dance and the spoken word is all centered around the non-linear nature of experiential time. The one hour and fifteen minute performance weaves together music, art, poetry, dance and an exploration of the nature of time. Intellectual, inspiring and emotional, this is an experience like no other. Enjoy as gifted performers John K. Coyle, horologist, professor of innovation and Olympic athlete, Ani Gogova, celebrated concert pianist, and Tess Collins, modern dance professional put life, music and movement to the most common and important word in the English language: "time."

Innovation Leadership 2.0: Training the Leaders of Tomorrow

If innovation is the key to successful business growth in the future, then why are we not giving the leaders of tomorrow the tools, skills, practices and knowledge to innovate? John leverages his long immersion in innovation and "Design Thinking" to create and deliver custom programs to teach leaders the innovation mindset, skills and toolsets. Potential elements: cultivating a culture of innovation, design thinking & ideation, innovation antibodies (victim vs. creator), innovation culture kryptonite (fixed mindset vs. growth mindsets), diversity, inclusion and innovation

John Coyle Books

Design For Strengths: Applying Design Thinking to Individual and Team Strength
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John Coyle Videos

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Design For Strengths: Applying Design Thinking to Individual and Team Strength
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