Jeff Evans

World-Class Adventurer, Mountaineering Guide, Author, Physician Assistant and Leadership Expert

Jeff Evans Fee Range
$10,001 to $20,000
(Inquire for virtual fee)

Travels From
Colorado, United States

Jeff Evans Speaker Biography

World-Class Adventurer, Mountaineering Guide, Author, Physician Assistant and Leadership Expert

For over 25 years, Jeff Evans’ global experiences as a worldclass mountaineer, guide and emergency medic have helped him master the skills of servant leadership, teamwork, communication and trust which are the cornerstone themes in his keynote and breakout sessions. Jeff’s amazing adventures and challenges have given him the tools to become one of the most dynamic and inspirational speakers on the circuit today, delivering his message to tens of thousands of audience members and changing the way we approach our roles within our work and family environments.

Keynote Speaker

Jeff reminds us that, in fact, that we are all guides in some capacity… professionally and personally. By utilizing real life stories, vivid images and thrilling video from his adventures around the globe, Jeff is able to extract the impactful themes that are applicable for every audience member and weave them into memorable, humorous, thought-provoking and paradigm-shifting keynotes.

Climbing Blind

Jeff’s skills have been acquired not only on the highest peaks around the world, but also through guiding blind climber Erik Weihenmayer on extraordinarily challenging objectives including the summit of Mt Everest and a 2nd place finish on ABC’s adventure series, Expedition Impossible. While filming the series Everest Air for the Travel Channel, Jeff served as the chief medic and team leader for the highest helicopter-based Search and Rescue team in the world on the flanks of Mt Everest.

No Barriers Warriors

Also contributing to Jeff’s expertise are his experiences as the co-founder and Expedition Leader for the injured US veteran program, No Barriers Warriors as well as his time spent on the front lines in Iraq leading a team of emergency medics in their efforts to save the lives of injured soldiers and civilians.


Jeff is the author of MountainVision: Lessons Beyond the Summit, and is featured in the award-winning documentaries Farther Than the Eye Can See, Blindsight, and High Ground.


Jeff received his undergraduate degree in anthropology from the University of Colorado in Boulder, and his Masters as a Physician Assistant at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Jeff currently resides in Boulder with his wife Merry Beth, son Jace and dog Roka.

Jeff Evans Speaking Topics

Being a “Guide”… both professionally and personally

Regardless of your professional role (or title), we are all guides… both professionally and personally. Definition: One who shows the way by leading, directing or advising. We are advisors, leaders, problem solvers and members of multi-dimensional teams. Being a guide and problem solver requires balancing and optimizing a cocktail of leadership, communication, accountability and critical thinking. Jeff then introduces the Sherpa and the “Sherpa Attitude” which incorporates all of these attributes.

Servant Leadership

Jeff describes the selfless attitude of the Sherpa to convey the nature of a Servant Leader. Working for the overall success of the team. Not interested in personal accolades or summits. No complaining or whining. Just go out and get the job done… for the people around them. That’s the “Sherpa Attitude”. Another term for that is Servant Leadership. Servant Leadership… leading from a place that is centered around fostering the success of others. Whether teammates, clients or family. Nurturing others to help them identify their models of success and guiding them up the route that optimizes their particular skillsets. The world needs more servant leaders. Adopt the Sherpa Attitude both professionally and personally.


Jeff uses the experiences he gleaned from his team’s 2nd place finish on ABC’s Expedition Impossible to showcase adversity in an exciting and fun way. Jeff reflects on his time as team lead/medic for a trauma team on the front lines of the war in Mosul, Iraq. It takes a high functioning team to work effectively in a V.U.C.A. (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) environment. Adversity happens. Landscapes change. Attitude and adaptability are the ingredients to guiding your team through adversity in a constructive way. As a leader, your team is watching how you manifest your reaction to adversity. Without ever having faced strong adversity, one cannot expect to be an effective leader. What’s critical is to embrace the adversity and learn from it. Don’t shy away or back down. Hit it head on.


Using a very dramatic video clip of Jeff and his blind teammate Erik jumping off a 40ft cliff into a river below, Jeff illustrates the need for reciprocal trust. Encourage audience to develop collateral relationships based on trust and commitment to each other. Much of trust is built on open communication. Stepping out of our “silos” to reach each other.


Using Jeff’s work with his No Barriers Warriors organization (wounded veterans), Jeff outlines examples of resiliency and fortitude in the face of adversity.


Jeff discusses the concept of the “rope team.” We are all on rope teams… both professionally and personally. Inextricably connected to each other…win or lose, it will happen together. Develop and nurture those rope team alliances. The collective power of one! At some point we will be in each position on the rope… some days leading from the front, other days we will need assistance as we bring up the rear. Developing a strong and nurturing rope team is critical.

Jeff Evans Books

Climbing Through Storms: Managing Adversity in a VUCA World
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Jeff Evans Videos

Jeff Evans Speaker Testimonials

Among dozens of rave reviews from event attendees, one sums it up perfectly – “29 years in this company, easily best motivational presentation ever!” Jeff had the audience laughing, thinking and truly inspired. His energy and content were so engaging we saw laptops down and all eyes on the speaker – a rarity in this business. We would recommend Jeff as a speaker for any audience of any size (we had nearly 400 people!), any industry and any company. He is a truly gifted speaker with a fantastic message of servant leadership. Thank you Jeff!

- Communications Manager | Microsoft Corporation

We were thrilled with Jeff Evans' presentation on Saturday morning. I received many positive comments after his keynote session and personally felt his message was spiritual and very moving. He spoke about leadership in the context of serving others and I must tell you that many in the audience were teary-eyed at the end. Jeff did a fantastic job and connected with our audience well beyond our expectation. In fact, one of our attendees said it was almost like being in church.

- Senior Vice President-Advisor Experience | Cetera Advisor Network

Jeff was INCREDIBLE!! He captured everyone’s attention from beginning to end, delivering a compelling message that combined lots of humor and true inspiration. He really got to know who we are and what we stand for. I have worked with keynote speakers for over 30 years and without reservation can say that Jeff Evans is one of the very best. The only downside of having him speak at our national conference is that I don’t know how we will ever find another speaker who will even come close to being as exceptional!

- Director, Organizational Development | Volunteers of America

I recently saw you speak and I have to tell you that you were one of the best motivational speakers I have ever seen and now the company is adopting your philosophies towards drive, teamwork, motivation and success. I truly appreciate what you were able to teach everyone including my team. Also, it was a pleasure to hear your story of how true friendship, regarless of circumstance, can overcome any and all obstacles.

- Sales Manager | Superior Farms

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Climbing Through Storms: Managing Adversity in a VUCA World
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