Ian Percy

Author of Going Deep: Exploring Spirituality in Life and Leadership.

Ian Percy Fee Range
$10,001 to $20,000
(Inquire for virtual fee)

Travels From
Arizona, United States

Ian Percy Speaker Biography

"One of the top 21 speakers for the 21st century"

Ian Percy challenges and inspires corporate and association audiences in numerous industries around the world. His unique ability to help people believe in their full potential, to challenge themselves when they need to be challenged and to stimulate courageous innovation will bring significant advantage to your organization.

An organizational psychologist, Ian is a renowned business speaker and respected author of six books. As a speaker Ian has the rare honor of being inducted into both the US and Canadian Speaker Halls of Fame.

Ian’s writing includes the breakthrough book on leadership titled Going Deep; an inspirational book called The 11 Commandments for an Enthusiastic Team and his most recent The Profitable Power of Purpose. He writes a regular column on performance improvement for Human Capital magazine read by over 40,000 HR leaders and is a frequent contributor to the online publication RetailWire.

A long list of clients from insurance, finance, health care and technology sectors includes Microsoft, Exxon Mobil, Transamerica, Nortel, US Bank, MDRT, Aventis, Sodexho and KPMG.

A Canadian, Ian and his wife Georgia live in Scottsdale, Arizona where he has an interest in reining Quarter horses and gets in the occasional golf game.

Ian Percy Speaking Topics

Thinking Without a Box!

95% of the problems faced by organizations result from self-inflicted Exactly the right blend of insight and inspiration wounds. This startling conclusion is the result of over 30 years of work with senior corporate executives around the world. Change how you think, however, and you can create system-wide change almost overnight. That's the energizing promise from one of the most mind-stretching and entertaining business speakers in the world today. Ian Percy takes five key principles from quantum physics and shows leaders how to use them to transform their organization with dramatic results. If we understood how computers worked we'd get a lot more value from them. Likewise when we understand even a little about how the universe works we can create exponentially greater employee engagement, inexhaustible passion, breakthrough innovation, customer-focused performance and sustainable profitability. And all this with the application of only five quantum principles.

Lighting a Fire in Your Fireplace--How to Rekindle Your Corporate Spirit

In the usual chaos of change - whether from mergers, re-engineering or crises - the human spirit takes quite a beating. This session helps you to 'light the fire' and restore purpose, passion, and performance throughout the organization. Without this spirit that drives all human behavior, all the emphasis on structure, strategies and systems will be to no avail.

Success in the Age of Disengagement: how to create unassailable loyalty from both employees and customers

"Engagement" is the new jargon for loyalty and commitment. TheFew speakers engage an audience like Ian Percy frightening thing is there's not much of it to be found anywhere. The accumulative effect of 9/11, endless corporate scandals, botched hurricane relief, and general lack of national confidence has produced The Age of Disengagement. People are focused only on 'looking out for themselves'. To a large extent it's taken the fun out of work and is creating enormous economic loss.The good news is people really want to be engaged! This program explains what it will take to restore our organizations to a point where employee and customer loyalty are unassailable.

The Profitable Power of Purpose

A highly defined "Purpose" has been behind every true mark of progress and success since the beginning of time. So why, when it comes to discussing the corporate "vision" and "mission" do people fall into a deep sleep? The reason is that many still don't 'get it'. Maybe if we realized that Purpose has a direct impact on the bottom line we'd show a little more enthusiasm! In this challenging and humor-filled presentation people learn what it means to have a higher purpose - a Peak Purposeâ„¢ - a vision so powerful it moves the organization to peak passion, performance and especially Peak Profitability.

From Information to Wisdom: the greatest leadership challenge of this century

One thing we all agree on is that we have enough information! The challenge is what to do with it - and that's where wisdom comes in. Unfortunately we don't talk about wisdom much, almost like it's beyond reach. Yet wisdom is the rarest and most needed resource in the corporate world today. This presentation is ideal for senior leaders as it challenges them to dramatically change how they spend their time. It is the rare executive who has the time to simply think, reflect and determine the wisest course of action. This thinking time is not a luxury, it is essential to any successful enterprise.

Ian Percy Books

The Profitable Power of Purpose
Purchase Book
Going Deep: Exploring Spirituality in Life and Leadership
Purchase Book

Ian Percy Videos

Ian Percy Speaker Testimonials

"You inspired our audience like no others - and exceeded my expectations by an order of magnitude (and I already had high expectations!)"

- Dr. R. Shinar | PCS Health Systems

"I have never seen such a dramatic and refreshing response from this group in my entire history of working with them. You achieved something I didn't think could be done."

- Cindy Williamson | Meeting Planner

"In the many years I have planned conferences, I have never seen the total audience embrace the speaker as they did you! Your words made a great impact on each of us."

- J. Ferguson | Promus Hotel Corporation

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Recent Books

The Profitable Power of Purpose
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Going Deep: Exploring Spirituality in Life and Leadership
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