Robert Siciliano

Cyber Security Speaker, Cyber Security Expert, Private Investigator, and Best-Selling Author

Robert Siciliano Fee Range
$10,001 to $20,000
(Inquire for virtual fee)

Travels From
Massachusetts, United States

Robert Siciliano Speaker Biography

Cyber Security Speaker, Cyber Security Expert, Private Investigator, and Best-Selling Author

ROBERT SICILIANO, CSP, the #1 Best Selling author and CEO of Safr.Me, may get your attention with his fun engaging tone and approachable personality but he is serious about teaching you and your audience fraud prevention and personal security. Robert is a security expert and private investigator fiercely committed to informing, educating and empowering people so they can protect themselves and their loved ones from violence and crime in their everyday lives, both in their physical and virtual interactions. Robert, a Certified Speaking Professional with a “tell it like it is” style, is a favorite source for dozens of major media outlets, leading corporations and organizations looking for the straight talk they need to stay safe in a world in which physical and virtual crime is commonplace. Robert is accessible, professional, and ready to weigh in and comment with down-to-earth insights at a moment’s notice on breaking news that affects us all.

Cyber Crime Expert

When the internet was still coming of age, Robert’s startup security company’s financial holdings were under attack by cybercriminals, and he lost thousands of dollars due to credit card fraud. In becoming one of the earliest victims of internet crime, Robert gained the knowledge and experience to teach others how they can position and protect not only their companies but also themselves from falling prey to internet thieves. His years of experience, combined with extensive study, have allowed him to become one of the nation’s most well-respected and trusted experts on cybercrime. He has worked with such companies as ExxonMobil, Intel, McAfee, MasterCard, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, KPMG, MIT, Transamerica and UPS, and almost every major media outlet has turned to him for information on identity theft, internet safety, crime prevention and security.

ID Theft Protection

Robert works with both private and public businesses as the president and CEO of, and he teaches clients how to keep their money, privacy and data secure against acts of fraud, identity theft, corporate espionage, and purposeful or accidental exposure of private information–all acts that cost companies billions nationwide.

Cyber Security

Robert Siciliano Brings Identity Theft, Personal Security, Fraud Prevention and Security to Life. Research shows that identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the country, affecting anywhere from 10 to 13 million Americans each year, and resulting in the loss of as much as a trillion dollars in individual and business assets to fraud. Robert Siciliano describes identity theft as a perfect crime in that it is “the easiest crime to commit and the hardest crime to get caught for.” While most people simply assume identity theft affects individuals and not businesses, that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. If you are not actively attempting to defend your business against the breach of corporate data and identity theft, you’re a victim waiting to be ripped off–and you need his expertise, now.

Identity Theft Expert

Robert is known throughout the country as an expert in identity theft and data breaches in the corporate world. Many members of his audience only realize the value of data protection when they themselves are ripped off or their identity compromised, but he is focused on helping companies take the steps necessary to protect their data from theft without the pain of personal experience. As a bonus, employees can easily apply much of the knowledge that he provides to their personal lives.

Because of the amount of media Robert does and being an expert, he’s had the opportunity to hobnob with some of the biggest names in the world, these are some of the people Robert knows or has met and the circles he runs in including Carlos Arredondo, he was the cowboy that saved Jeff Bauman, whose legs were destroyed in the Boston Marathon bombing, which Robert ran in (and was right there at the second bomb), Jake Gyllenhaal played Jeff in the movie “Stronger”.

Robert lives in Boston with his wife and daughters. When not spending time with his family or educating audiences about safety, he enjoys long-distance runs (he is a seven-time Boston Marathoner) an avid mariner (he’s a Flotilla Staff Officer with the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary) and rides a purple 1987 Harley-Davidson Low Rider–with a helmet to preserve his own safety, of course.


Robert Siciliano Speaking Topics

Cyber Social Identity and Personal Protection: Overcoming Cultural Myths and Inaccuracies to Achieve Safety, Security, and Privacy

This is a story of good versus evil. Black hat bad guys versus white hat good guys. The smartest people on earth battling it out 24/7/365 and it’s not just billions of dollars at stake, it’s also life and death. The characters in this real-life drama used to be hooded criminals in their mom’s basement or just back-alley street thugs. Today it’s organized crime syndicates aka “web mobs” all the way up to state-sponsored geniuses with unlimited access to the best technologies on the planet. But don’t be mistaken, the word “hacker” doesn’t properly describe them. These are Predators and their methods mirror the deviousness and callousness of the worst sociopaths on earth. Their targets: YOU. Your organization, its money, client data, propriety secrets and war room strategies. Their methods? Preying upon your people’s good nature via the civilized conditioning that’s been used by their parents to raise good boys and girls. In this story, for starters, we expose raw data, Social Security numbers on Russian hacking forums, millions of usernames and passwords in plain sight and credit card numbers for sale on the Dark Web, and so much more. This is a fully interactive event from the moment Robert gets on the platform. The audience asks a TON of “how, why, and what do we do now?” questions. Most have never had the chance or opportunity to ask a seasoned expert any, and all questions they’ve ever had regarding all things “predatory mindset” designed to facilitate a robust security culture. The goal of this event isn’t the common requested “Security Awareness”, but an evolved behavior changing “Security Appreciation” that gets results.

Providing Client Security and Ensuring Loyalty: A Guide for Financial Firms

Every week, Robert Siciliano inevitably hears from a distressed financial advisor who has to rescue a client whose accounts have been compromised. The fact is, your moneyed clients are big targets—and they aren’t necessarily cyber savvy. Bankers, financial advisors, wealth and asset managers, and investment and financial planners are all in the business of making their clients more money and profiting from their good money advice. But what happens when a client’s account is compromised by an outside source? Your clients turn to you and wonder why you never provided them with the advice or tools to protect themselves and their assets. Now, you can reduce victimization by partnering with your clients in another way: preventing fraud. As a financial professional, you are perfectly positioned to inform and educate your clients on the easiest and most effective ways to keep their data secure and their identities protected. Equip your clients with the simple tools and effective information to make them secure, and you will be their trusted advisor for life. In this presentation, Robert will help you: • Learn where the weak spots are in your clients’ knowledge of online fraud • Empower your customers to be their own security experts • Instill loyalty in your clients by providing them with 360-awareness of not only their financial situation but also their security situation

Putting Your Digital Data, Trade Secrets and Proprietary Information on Lockdown

In a high-tech, information-based economy, everything we do as a business is recorded and tracked or stolen by someone—whether by your competition, criminal hackers, or a domestic or foreign authority. Once extricated from your hands, the bad guys exploit your valuable information to their advantage or use it against you. It’s not fair, it’s ugly, it’s often illegal and it sucks—specifically, it sucks all the time, energy and effort away from your profits and can ruin your business and your reputation. A fundamental lack of control over your company’s data—via public Wi-Fi, thumb drives, smartphones, tablets, cloud data and social media websites—have changed the way businesses store, manage and share information—and if you aren’t keeping up, you are quickly going to lose control and put your data and corporate information at risk. Remember: You are either in control of your business’s cyber data or someone else is. In this presentation, Robert Siciliano will show you and your staff how to: • Protect shared information, stored information, and any intellectual property—online or in the cloud • Be smart about computing on the go with your laptop, tablet and smartphone

Social Media Security: Marketing, Extending and Defending Your Online Reputation

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn are popular social networking sites in both the personal and professional lives of business leaders and their employees. However, the risks we face from sharing too much information are substantial—from personal security to damaged reputations to significant business liabilities that put all operations in jeopardy. It doesn’t matter whether you or your employees access these websites and apps on a company computer or a mobile device—the consequences of visiting them are very real when it comes to the privacy and security of a business. How are you being judged online? What are people saying about you? Do you do business with someone based on how good or bad the reviews are? Do Amazon reviews sway you—and, on the other hand, has Yelp ruined you? There has never been a better time to build a brand name—and there has never been a worse time to have yours torn down because of bad reviews. Social media encompasses all forms of digital communication and is a fantastic tool for syndicating your brand and getting it in front of your target market, but it’s also the voice of the people—and if you tick off the public, hell hath no fury like a Twitterer scorned. In this presentation, Robert Siciliano will teach you how to: • Incorporate the fundamentals of Online Reputation Management • The implications of using social media, for individuals and businesses • How to mitigate the dangers of using these websites • How to cover your footprints when using social media • Devise a strategy to build a solid presence • Tactically respond to negative comments • Proactively ward off trolls • Implement processes and procedures for your employees to follow • Learn the tools you need to get your name out there • Understand what risks exist online • Secure your sites and protect your brand

Defending Against the Data Breach: Protect from Spyware, Malware, Ransomware and Keyloggers

Every few seconds, someone has his or her identity stolen. Computers are hacked, wallets are stolen, credit cards are compromised, credit is ruined…and the instigators make more in a day than most of us make in a year. The fact is, the system we function under is set up to fail—and unless consumers know their options, it’s just a matter of time before they are victimized themselves. There is a reason why we keep hearing about data breaches involving millions of credit card and account numbers: Data breaches cost thousands to millions of dollars per incident, and organizations and corporations take on a huge potential financial loss when it comes to the potential of identity theft and data forfeiture. The bleeding will not stop anytime soon—and the more time you spend uninformed, the better your chances of being targeted. During this presentation, Robert Siciliano will examine: • The clever ways thieves look for—and get—information • Numerous strategies you can protect your valuable data • How you can use various tools to ensure the data that criminals want are impossible to get

Security Appreciation, Not Security Awareness: How Corporations and Financial Institutions are Following Their Hearts to Avoid Being Scammed

Unless employee and consumer behavior is fundamentally altered, it’s just a matter of time before those very employees and consumers all become victims. You may have heard of “security awareness”—and despite its buzzword status, it has not worked. Some studies show anywhere from 15 to 80 percent of consumers or employees still fall for phishing scams, even though they know the risks. Don’t get hooked. In this presentation, Robert Siciliano will explain: • Why we fall for the same old tricks over and over again—and how to stop the cycle once and for all • The difference between security awareness and security appreciation • How to make your employees’ and clients’ data resistant to social engineering

Robert Siciliano Books

Identity Theft Privacy: Security Protection and Fraud Prevention
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99 Things You Wish You Knew Before…Your Identity Was Stolen
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Robert Siciliano Videos

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Recent Books

Identity Theft Privacy: Security Protection and Fraud Prevention
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99 Things You Wish You Knew Before…Your Identity Was Stolen
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