Monica Knight

Entertaining Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Teamwork Expert

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Monica Knight Speaker Biography

Entertaining Entrepreneurship, Leadership
and Teamwork Expert

Dr. Monica Knight is an entrepreneur, speaker, facilitator, motivator, teacher and consultant whose career path has taken her from Europe to India and Africa and finally Canada, where she manages Shosholoza! EDUtainment and is a Professor at the Faculty of Management at Vancouver Island University.


Monica’s spirit is unique and avant garde and her wisdom is presented through music, dance and humour. A sought after EDUtainer—presenting education as an entertainer—she inspires, challenges and encourages others to release their own right-brained caged bird. Hold on tightly for a magical roller coaster ride that promises to keep breaking cycles of negative patterns!

Motivational Speaker

Early in her memorable career, Monica was reluctant to describe herself as a motivational speaker, feeling this implied that she knew the right way for others to embrace the joys of life. Now, after years of plentiful evidence and positive feedback that her words, personal examples and unique presentation style have inspired and motivated individuals, groups and communities—she has embraced this gift and acknowledges that, when many sing her praises… everyone needs “a little bit of Monica in their lives”!

Personal Development and Teamwork

An expert in Community Development, Leadership, Team Building, Intrapreneurship and Personal Development, the indomitable Monica facilitates creative, and innovative collaboration. Individuals flourish and simple results nurture the miracle of optimism, revitalization and resilience. Her Ph.D. work highlights “collaborative individualism”, or “intrapreneurship“. Dr. Knight’s toolkit and examples foster an entrepreneurial spirit and stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives. Participants in projects learn that they too can be enterprising wherever they can exercise discretion, confidence and self-reliance.


Monica Knight holds a Ph.D. from the University of Regina, SK, a Masters in Leadership and Training from Royal Roads in Victoria, BC, and a Diploma in Education, Liverpool, UK.

Monica Knight Speaking Topics

Dance to the Beat of Your Own Drum

To make your women’s gathering ROCK! Through music, dance and her own brand of humour, Monica takes the audience on a magical mystery ride and exposes the personal beliefs that keep us clinging to safe routines, bad habits, and disempowering attitudes. Once she has ‘shone a light’ on the truth of who we are as human beings, she inspires participants to move forward in their lives by embracing change.

Thrive in a Tribe

To turn the “should” of your community’s rejuvenation into the “could” of action The secret for transition or complete transformation is simpler than most of us think… “it doesn’t take big grants, the perfect idea or years of planning to kick start change.” Using intrapreneurship, Monica illustrates what it takes to successfully launch an idea, a solution, or an economic activity and move it forward. Based on her PhD work and a proven track record in Saskatchewan (Gravelbourg: A Touch of Europe, Saskatoon: Ubuntu House) and in Alberta (Cactus Corridor: All Aboard, Brooks and Newell County: Welcoming and Inclusive Communities), Monica skillfully weaves her presentation strategies for collaborative partners and groups to focus on common goals and realistic action. This is the perfect opportunity for your community or organization to find its INSPIRATION, its SPARK, its FUTURE!

Pension, Passion and Purpose

To add the SPARK to your future! Maybe you are happily fully retired, maybe you participate in the traditional workforce or maybe you are an entrepreneur! Whatever your current path or desire, Monica will take you on a magical roller coaster ride to explore the potential of the latest chapter in your life. Dr. Monica Knight is an OLDERpreneur, university lecturer and grandmother living her dream out on Gabriola Island, BC. In this presentation, Monica will focus on the reality of age discrimination, and then through a combination of music, dance and laughter, she will indicate how she shattered stereotypes and obstacles to turn her vision into reality. Dr. Knight gives 10 indicators of how pension, passion and purpose guide older adults and seniors to thrive. This is the most exciting time of our lives as we now dance to the beat of our own drums!

Diamonds on the Soles of Your Shoes

An exciting new topic for your next conference! Are you looking for a rich look or exotic holidays, great wardrobe or stylish surroundings? Whatever you consider as “living the good life” is attainable NOW! Monica opens her closet of secrets – “when to save and when to splurge” – in this hilarious high-energy presentation full of music, fun surprises, and inspiring stories from Thrift Stores to Safaris and Spas. "Diamonds” is inspired by earlier presentations: “Style on a shoestring”, “Living the Good Life in The Paris of the Prairies”, “From Johannesburg to Gravelbourg”, and “Sisters are doin’ it for themselves”.

Feet Firmly Planted in Midair

Encourage your participants to turn dreams into reality! While people naturally gravitate to using one side of their brain, Monica illustrates in this fun and interactive “lecture” how to engage in a right-left dance so you can view situations from a new vantage point. She provides examples of how combining intuition and imagination with logic and analysis results in whole-brain thinking… the fuel for creativity and innovation. Monica will show you how creativity and linear thinking most definitely can combine to make amazing results!

Ubuntu Team Building

In this day-long workshop, attendees examine the stages through which all relationships progress, then plot their current path as a team and plan their way forward. Monica addresses interpersonal and organizational conflict resolution, and weaves in discussion of tough issues in a safe and supportive environment. Ubuntu, a spirit of cooperation and interdependence, is central to the day. No-one feels excluded or the pressure to participate – but everyone finds themselves laughing and loving the process! Over the years, Monica Knight and Shosholoza! EDUtainment has provided team building programs and professional development training to a notable list of clients including federal institutions, multinational corporations, private enterprises, teaching bodies, banks and credit unions, First Nations groups, statutory boards, and charitable organizations.

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Monica Knight Speaker Testimonials

“Monica has been exemplary in her dedication to our organization regarding her expertise, knowledge and ongoing support throughout her journey with us.”

- Langis Bernier Chief Health Services | Willow Cree, Grierson & Pe Sakastew, Correctional Service Canada

“What a performance! You are great. I loved your message and your unique style of presentation. We have heard nothing but good remarks – “best ever”, “great Saskatchewan talent”, “head office needs to know about her and on and on they go”.

- Margaret Worobey, Regional Coordinator | Investors Group

Monica is an experience! She dances her presentations, makes people do and learn things that they never imagined themselves doing or learning. She is one of the most creative teachers I have ever witnessed in my over 40 years in education. Her audiences/students always leave energized, invigorated and astounded at the experience.

- Cyril Kesten, Ph.D., Professor of Education | University of Regina

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