Gregg Lederman

Leadership & Engagement Expert and Best-Selling Author

Gregg Lederman Fee Range
$20,001 to $50,000
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Travels From
New York, United States

Gregg Lederman Speaker Biography

Leadership & Engagement Expert and Best-Selling Author

Gregg Lederman is a professional speaker, executive coach, and New York Times best-selling author. Over the past 20 years, Gregg has worked with tens of thousands of business leaders and managers to implement performance-driven leadership, employee engagement, and customer experience solutions.

Employee Engagement

The results speak for themselves. Over the past decade, Gregg’s clients have witnessed more than 90% employee engagement — nearly three times the national average. More than 68% of Gregg’s clients have been noted on “best place to work” lists, either in their region, their industry, or on Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” annual ranking.


He is the author of three award-winning books. His latest book, CRAVE: You Can Enhance Employee Motivation in 10 Minutes by Friday™ has been credited by many executives as “life changing” for those who want to become better leaders.


In addition to being a sought-after, highly engaging keynote speaker and author, Gregg has served for over 18 years as a professor at the Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester. He teaches executive MBAs how to become more effective and trusted leaders in his course: Leading Organizational Change.

Gregg lives in Rochester, New York, with his wife, Karyn, and three wonderful daughters.

Gregg Lederman Speaking Topics

CRAVE: You Can Enhance Employee Motivation in 10 Minutes by Friday

Many leaders and managers are stressed at work like never before. Too much to do, too little time, and too many distractions. But not everyone is struggling… some have figured out how to create a better place to work where employees are happier, more motivated, and more productive. One where employees are highly engaged and customers have a more consistent experience, leading to more profitable business results. More than 68% of Gregg Lederman’s clients are on a “best place to work” list. In addition, his clients witness nearly three times the amount of employee engagement than their competitors. This is not by chance. It is by design. There is a recipe for this success that is simple and easy to put into practice. The recipe? Give people what they CRAVE! Eighty-plus years of research has proven that humans CRAVE three things that enable them to become more motivated: Respect: Help me feel respected for the work I do. Purpose: Show me how what I do has purpose, makes a difference, and is relevant to the organization. Relationship: Help me build stronger connections with people, especially my immediate manager/supervisor. The audience is introduced to the power of strategically recognizing employees as a way to reduce stress and fuel the work environment with what employees CRAVE. Using real-life case studies with financial impact and highlighting compelling realities managers can relate to, audiences will walk away with a few leadership techniques and feel inspired to put them into practice.

Developing Generational Agility

Millennials already make up over 50 percent of our workplace, and in the years ahead Generation Z will enter at a fast and furious pace. Indeed, these are exciting times. For the first time ever, we will have four generations working together for an extended period. Boomers are retiring later and Gen X and millennials are both positioning themselves for key leadership positions and responsibilities. However, most organizations find they are struggling to appeal to all generations at once. It doesn’t have to be a struggle, and if an organization is sensing a bit of a “culture clash” that prohibits ideal collaboration, knowledge sharing, and productivity, then help is on the way. In this highly interactive, informative, and humorous program, Gregg Lederman serves as tour guide to inform, challenge, and inspire managers to develop their Generational Agility, helping them become better leaders, teammates, and overall contributors to their organization’s success. Participants can expect to: Understand the unique differences and strong similarities that impact the way employees of all generations think, speak, and act. Learn the clues to help them adapt and improve their mindset and the way they communicate within and across generations. Take advantage of the tools and techniques that create and sustain optimal communication habits. Leave with an open mind of ways to mix, match, and blend the best of each generation’s ideas and communication styles. As human beings, we are more alike than we are different. What changes from generation to generation is how we express our needs and preferences at work, and what expectations we have about how our employer fulfills those needs. The most successful managers will demonstrate Generational Agility when it comes to inspiring, engaging, and leading in the workforce. Organizations that help their managers develop Generational Agility will differentiate and thrive. Those that fail to embrace the multigenerational dynamics will continue to suffer from the culture clash that makes work a struggle.

Living the Brand

Think about the companies you love to do business with. What’s their secret? These companies have cracked the code for how to “live the brand” consistently. They tend to get and keep more profitable customers and they do so with a workforce that is highly motivated and committed… more ENGAGED! This does not happen by chance; it is by design. In this highly interactive presentation, Gregg Lederman shares the secret for how his clients have witnessed more than 90% employee engagement — nearly three times the national average. This unprecedented level of engagement has landed 68% of his clients on a “best place to work” list. Learn exactly what Gregg’s clients have done to create and sustain work cultures where employees consistently live the brand and customers consistently experience it. Audience members will walk away inspired and confident in their knowledge of how to: Define WHO they are as an organization (desired reputation), HOW employees should live it (behave in ways that support the desired reputation), and WHY it matters (to employees and the organization; why they should care). Inspire themselves and other mangers and leaders with the power of reminding as a way to create the environment for more engagement. Operationalize the brand into critical touchpoints for recruiting, selecting, onboarding, and retaining employees.

Living a Great Life Now

When leaders in an organization live A Great Life Now™, they are happier, better communicators who are able to create better workplaces. However, too often, we humans make the mistake of thinking and acting as if ultimate happiness is an elusive goal that we will achieve once other things fall into place: completing a big project, getting a promotion, increasing our salary, getting a new boss, a new spouse, a vacation home… the list can go on and on. But the reality is, these things don’t really make us happy. And that matters when it comes to becoming more successful leaders. Happiness is not only the ultimate pursuit of our lives, it also helps us to be better leaders both at home and at work. The most effective and trusted leaders learn how to Live a Great Life Now. They’re not waiting for something to happen or blaming others for why they haven’t achieved the happiness, status, or level of success they desire. Instead, they’re choosing to do something different. Something that has an immediate impact on the way they think and act at work. In this highly interactive workshop, Gregg Lederman takes business leaders on a journey to design a Great Life Now with a proven, step-by-step approach to thinking and acting in more productive, performance-focused, and humanistic ways. The outcome is more success and happiness at home and at work… or, in other words… Living a Great Life Now! Warning: Heavy thinking ahead! While Gregg delivers this workshop in his typical humorous, engaging, and enlightening style, all attendees need to be prepared to dive deep into their thoughts and feelings about their life and ideas for the future. They will learn how their personal values power their “brand,” which, in essence, is their reputation based on the way they act at home and at work. Participants can expect to: Discover the values that make up their personal brand of leadership. (“Who the heck are you?”) Explore the ideal behaviors that bring their values to life (as well as those that don’t). Identify fears that block success. Learn what the best leaders do to balance both a focus on performance and humanity. (“What do the most effective and trusted leaders do?”) Leave with a well-documented, step-by-step, habit-building approach to implementing lasting behavior change. In this life-enhancing workshop, leaders of all levels learn the recipe for how to Live a Great Life Now and how to do so one habit at a time. The result… become a better leader (and a better human) all while achieving more happiness and productivity at work and in life.

Gregg Lederman Books

ENGAGED!: Outbehave Your Competition to Create Customers for Life
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Crave: You Can Enhance Employee Motivation in 10 Minutes by Friday
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Gregg Lederman Videos

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Recent Books

ENGAGED!: Outbehave Your Competition to Create Customers for Life
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Crave: You Can Enhance Employee Motivation in 10 Minutes by Friday
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