George Hedley Speaker Biography
George Hedley Speaking Topics
Get Your Business To Work!
Entrepreneurs are different than most business people. They’re always building, growing, moving and taking their companies to the next level. They don’t get stuck, tread water or stay put in the same place doing the same things over and over. Entrepreneurs know what they want, make tough decisions and then go make it happen. In order to get your business to work, you’ve got to get unstuck, move forward, and let go to grow. Learn how to run your business like an owner: well rewarded and in-control instead of an over-worked, under-paid, make every decision control freak. Transform your company by replacing yourself with systems to achieve bottom-line results, wealth and freedom. Learn the 7 steps to earning more, working less & living the life you want. Build financial, operational, customer, marketing, sales, people and leadership systems to build your perfect business.
Get Your Business to Work in Any Economy
The worst is over and it’s time to face reality, start growing and making a profit. Your old business model won’t work today. You must make positive changes and do what’s necessary to get back on track and start thinking like entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs are different than most business people. They’re always building and taking their companies to the next level. They don’t get stuck, tread water or stay put in the same place doing the same things over and over. Entrepreneurs know what they want, make tough decisions and then go make it happen. In order to get your business to work, you’ve got to set clear goals, implement a proactive marketing and sales program, replace yourself with systems, get your finances in order, build a management team and get your business growing again. George Hedley, the best-selling author of “Get Your Business To Work!” and an “Entrepreneur of the Year” award winner, will share his proven ‘Business $uccess Blueprint’ to build your business.
Sell More Than Price
People don’t always buy low price! They buy the best perceived value, differentiation or a personal relationship. Today’s customer demands exceptional service, perfect quality and lots of choices. Customers expect you to give them exactly what they want, improve how they do business, and help them make more profit. Even in this competitive price-driven economy, you can become the preferred provider of products and services using proven marketing and sales ideas that work. Learn how to create loyal customer relationships. Offer more than low price, target market, stay in touch with customers, get new customers to call you, earn lots of referrals, set yourself apart from the competition, provide added value, sell solutions, track customer contacts, show customers you care, and become a trusted partner in your customer’s growth. Presented by a successful business owner in a fast-paced, fun, and enthusiastic style with lots of action ideas.
Effective Leadership
Learn How To Be An Effective Leader! Identify your huge vision, set clear targets and goals, and develop a tracking system to get the results you want. Get results thru people by communicating clear expectations, motivating, recognizing, inspiring, trusting and coaching. Make people accountable and responsible, delegate, let go of control, and improve people’s performance. Take a personal test and learn which leadership style works best for you: Big Thinker, Market Maker, Innovator, Coach or Task Master. Presented by a successful business owner in a fun and fast-paced format with lots of ready to implement content.
Marketing and Sales Strategies That Work
Get customers to call you first! An effective pro-active marketing and sales system will get customers to call you and deliver profitable revenue year after year. Learn how an entrepreneur built his $50 million business using cost effective target marketing to attack sales. Create long term loyal customer relationships, position your company as the recognized expert in your field, focus on customers to increase your bottom-line, and find new markets to increase profitable sales. Learn what marketing & sales strategies really work! Set yourself apart from your competition, differentiate, exploit your niche, become the market leader, track customer contacts, find new customers, build your marketing package, design a winning website, develop a mailing program, create a winning image, stay in touch with customers, show customers you care, be the select bidder, win at the project interview, and discover what sales tricks really work. Presented in a fast-paced, fun and enthusiastic style with lots of action ideas to implement.
Clear Target = Huge Results
Get HUGE results with clear expectations! You can’t get the results you want unless you have something to shoot for! Clear targets are required in order to hit your goals every year. Learn how to get everyone focused on achieving results, set clear goals & objectives, develop action plans, track progress, meet deadlines, bring projects in on budget, and make things happen. Set clear targets for everyone in your company to increase your bottom-line, productivity and people’s performance. BIG targets that work include: sales, productivity, overhead, job cost, cash-flow, customer loyalty, bid-success ratio, service, profitable contracts, quality, safety, technology, project milestones, employee personal development, training and teamwork. Includes ideas on incentives to enhance your success. Presented by a successful entrepreneur in a fast-paced, fun and enthusiastic style with lots of action ideas that work.
George Hedley Books
Get Your Business to Work!: 7 Steps to Earning More, Working Less and Living the Life You Want
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George Hedley Speaker Testimonials
“The most dynamic.....Our attendees are still ‘pumped up’ and excited about implementing the ideas for change and growth...A great job you did...With humor and insightful direction...Terrific job!”
- Kate Keena, Executive Director | National Chamber of Commerce
“Thank you for contributing to the success of the conference. Your presentation was good education, motivational and your interactive style was a hit. Most impressive, to me, was the homework preparation you did to customize to our audience.”
- K. Mihelich, VP | Building Officials & Code Admin
“Thank you for the tremendous presentation. Your performance made our convention the best ever. I am being flooded with e-mails, calls and faxes complimenting me on the job you did. The content, delivery, contact before and after the presentation were all 100% TOP-NOTCH! I am recommending all other NASBP regions to contact you for their meetings.”
- Dave McKee, Program Chairman | NASBP
“You did it! You conducted an excellent, thorough, comprehensive presentation. Attendees have told me that your presentation was one of the best they’ve ever seen at an ICAA convention and we’ve been doing this for 19 years. So, hats off to you! You were excellent!”
- Michael Kwart, E.D. | Insulation Contractors Assn