Daniel Levine Fee Range
$10,001 to $20,000
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Travels From
New York, United States

Daniel Levine Speaker Biography

Global Trends Expert

Global Editor of WikiTrend.org and the Executive Director of the Avant-Guide Institute in New York City, Daniel Levine helps international industry leaders reach their target markets by creating meaningful and profitable experiences for their customers. As a speaker who has been rated “Best Speaker Of The Conference” an astonishing 96% of the time, Daniel will have your audience buzzing with inspiration, scribbling down ideas with intensity, and laughing with delight.


Daniel can spot international trends before anyone else. He and his staff of “cool-hunters” are on the cutting edge of every new social development. He enjoys bringing his knowledge and strategies to businesses, so they can learn how to reinvent their image, stay ahead of the trends, and better serve their customers.


Hailed as a “genius” by Elle magazine, Daniel Levine is a celebrated international trends expert with an uncanny ability to help destinations, brands and businesses be more relevant, innovative and profitable.


Daniel works with many top companies worldwide – from Wyndham Hotels and Carlsberg Breweries, to BMW, Deutsche Telekom and MasterCard. He is also a highly-acclaimed presenter for his keynotes at global conferences including World Travel Market, The American Express Summit, Mandarin Oriental Hotels, Marketwatch, HBO Europe and others.


Daniel’s first job out of college was writing some of the biggest books for Frommer’s. As the founder of the Avant-Guide Institute, Dan is the author of over 20 bestselling books, Daniel is a well-known expert on consumer marketing, tourism and global cultural trends. His latest book describes the social effects of the economic downturn and offers a prescription for destinations, businesses, brands, products and services to capitalize on the behavioral changes of their customers. His next book, The Meaningful Economy is a prescription for consumer-oriented businesses and travel stakeholders to capitalize on the behavioral changes of their customers.


Daniel is often on television — including BBC, NBC, Fox and many others. He is also a regular consumer trends expert guest on international radio, from Europe and the United States to Australia and South Africa, and he is regularly quoted in newspapers and magazines worldwide.

Keynote Speaker

A wide variety of tourism and consumer-oriented businesses seek out Daniel when looking to understand the impact of forthcoming social and cultural trends and to “hip” up their image. While Daniel’s expert presentations are highly entertaining and packed with captivating visuals, the focus is on the practical. Using inspirational and enlightening examples of where consumer culture is headed, Daniel demonstrates how creative businesses from around the world are reaping major benefits by responding to real-world trends in innovative new ways.

Foodservice and Hospitality Industry Expert

Daniel has the unique experience few speakers/experts have in the foodservice and hospitality industriesand brings this to each event as well as his superior understanding of their “customers” – namely, the guests and potential guests who patronize fast casual restaurants across America.   That’s because social trends are not specific to a single industry; trends show what people are thinking and feeling and this informs all their dining and lifestyle decisions – including where and how to eat. And that’s actually where the real value of having a trends expert like Daniel is special: He knows consumer trends better than anyone else and he can give this audience fresh insights and inspiration based on what businesses across numerous industries are doing to successfully attract the same customers.   Daniel also understands that a majority of franchisees are relatively small and face financial and staffing limitations so he takes that into account and will have everything lead up to specific marketing tips that are inexpensive, easy to implement, and well within the systems that are already in place for franchise owners and managers.

Daniel Levine Speaking Topics

Your Business Trends and The Future of Almost Everything

Trends in your industry don't operate in a vacuum. They are part of a global ecosystem that is quickly changing the way we all work, live and play. So strap on your jetpack and get ready to explore the most valuable trends transforming your world. From transport and technology to communication and consumerism, knowing what is now isn’t enough – you also need to know what will be, or you’re gone. Takeaways • Discover amazing new trends that will transform your industry • Get clarity on the future of technology and how to best take advantage of it • Be inspired by successes outside your industry that will help you innovate from within • Learn how to profit from trends and become a trend setter • Impress colleagues, friends and spouses with your newly acquired vision of the future

What Your Customers Really Want (Before They Even Know They Want It)

Why do some people choose to buy from you while others go elsewhere? Discover the "why" behind the buy, understand trends that are quickly changing the consumer landscape, and learn from organizations, brands and products that are embracing trends with spectacular results. This is your opportunity to ride the waves of the future and leave competitors in your wake. Takeaways: • Spot the latest consumer trends • Discover the ‘why’ behind the buy • Acquire more loyal customers by aligning your messaging with their sensibilities • Get in front of consumer expectations • Become the first to profit from what your competition may only see eventually

Trends With Benefits: Lessons From the Future of Technology

We are living in the future we always dreamed of, but it can be difficult to know which future to embrace. Is your business using technology or is technology using you? Are you riding long-term trends or are you being distracted by flash-in-the-pan fads? What tech will stick and which will we soon forget? This presentation is the time machine your business needs to understand, embrace and benefit from the right technologies. Discover the real-world applications you need to stay ahead of trends. Your competitors will be left walking on all fours as you fly into the future. Takeaways: • Get clarity on the future of technology • Serve the world your business will be in, not the one in which it was created • Learn how corporations around the world are using tech efficiently • Become the first to profit from what your competition may only see eventually

7 Trends That Will Forever Change Your Business… And Your Life

As a business leader, knowing what is now isn’t enough – you also need to know what will be, or you’re gone. Tomorrow’s world will look vastly different from today’s, so strap on your jetpack and get ready for an exhilarating “advance preview” of the most spectacular and useful tech-driven trends that are guaranteed to shake up your world. In a rollicking presentation packed with keen insights, you will get a “sneak peek” into the contemporary culture of tomorrow – and the changes that are revolutionizing the way you work, live and consume. Daniel will treat you to a glimpse of everything that matters – from the future of ecology, technology, transportation and medicine, to communications, business, and human relationships. And he will put it into perspective and connect the dots so you know what it means for your business. If you aren’t ready for tomorrow’s world you’ll be swallowed up by more nimble competitors. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the game.

Luxury Trend Secrets: How to Sell Stuff To Rich People

The world’s richest people regularly claim that they value experiences over tangible items. That’s great for the travel industry – but if you sell physical objects how can you embrace this trend to win customers and boost your sales? In this presentation, Daniel Levine guides you through more than a dozen hidden social trends that go far beyond “price” and “prestige” to unearth the most irresistible tools of persuasion you can use to market to the rich. In just one hour you will get introduced to the most significant social trends powering luxury consumer markets; find out how the world’s most creative companies in almost every industry are responding to these trends, and discover easy and effective strategies you can immediately use to attract the world’s best customers. Don’t leave a huge share of your revenue on the table: This presentation gives you the tools you need to get to and stay at the top.

What Diners Really Want… And How to Give It to Them

Why do some people choose to dine with you... while others choose to go elsewhere? Understanding social trends is a critical part of your sales process and if you want to thrive – and not just survive – you need to be able to pinpoint exactly why your guests do what they do. In this thrilling presentation global trends expert Daniel Levine will take you on a deep dive to reveal what diners are actually thinking and feeling. You will discover the real values and attitudes behind why they make certain lifestyle decisions, understand trends that are quickly changing the dining landscape, and learn from organizations, brands and products that are embracing trends and change with spectacular results. In the space of an hour, Daniel will arm you with inexpensive and powerful tools your business can use to ride these same trends, attract more guests and increase sales – in ways your competitors simply can't. New trends and fresh rules are creating new winners and losers every day. Which will you be?

Daniel Levine Books

Avant-Guide New York City: Insiders’ Guide to Progressive Culture (Avant-Guide New York City: Insiders’ Guide for Urban Adventures)
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Daniel Levine Videos

Daniel Levine Speaker Testimonials

“In over 19 years of organizing events — in which I’ve booked more than 250 keynote speakers — Daniel Levine is without a doubt one of the top four or five we have ever had…. Audiences can’t stop talking about his presentations. He really makes us look good”

- | Terrence Williams, President, Event Services

“In the months since his presentation, I still hear from members what a terrific impact Daniel had on them. To experience Daniel is to discover conference gold.”

- | Mandarin Oriental Hotels

“I feel really excited, proud and lucky to have hired Daniel Levine. He was instrumental in helping us create our most colorful and successful event ever”

- | AmEx National Summit

“I can’t believe how many delegates came up to me gushing about Daniel, saying that he alone was worth the price of the conference”

- | Caribbean Marketing Conference

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Recent Books

Avant-Guide New York City: Insiders’ Guide to Progressive Culture (Avant-Guide New York City: Insiders’ Guide for Urban Adventures)
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